note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Government By Order of His Excellency Sir John [Coufre?] Sherbrooke [G.CB...?]
To Samuel Head Dr.
To the [undermentioned?] [Drugs Medicines??] Supplies for the Refugee Negroes at Preston. [???]
1816 Feby 12 To avisit to the different Black Settlements to See Several that were very Sick with a view of reporting their Situation to His Excellency Sir J C Sherbrooke GCB, 1 day a [B...?] for the Sick 3/.[ ?] [?] Cream of Tartar [?] Peruvian Bark
22 [?] [Calomil?} 1 [?] [? Strengthing? plaster?] [?] 1 quart [?] Elixer [?] [Nitriol?] [? ] [Baplicon?] 1 Bottle Caster Oil [20?] {S....?] [1?] Flax Seed 2 2 1/2 oz Liquorice 4 oz G Arabac 4 oz [illegible]
March 3. Sundries deliverd [M?]chamberlain
" 1/2 [lb?]Salts 4 oz [illegible] 1/2 [?] GArabac 4 oz [plaisters?]
" 12 1 [quire?] [Draph?] paper 1 [illegible] 1 [ft.?] Tape, 1 lb Salts
" 1/2 [lb?] Liqourice 1/2 [lb?] Gumplaster 4 [oz?] [illegible] 1 bottle [illegible] 4 oz [illegible] [?]Bottle, 1 Bottle Madeira Urine
Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 421 number 27
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