Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotian Diaspora

Bill of fare, including list of food supplies, for victualling the Free Blacks on the voyage to Sierra Leone, submitted to the Lieutenant Governor
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Bill of fare - for Victualling the free Blacks
to Sierra leonne, respectfully submitted to the
consideration of His Excellency the Lieut. Governor,

Daily Breakfast { 4oz. rice or 8oz. Indian meal with 1/2 Gill molasses or 1oz. Brown sugar

Dinner {1lb..Saltfish and 1oz. Butter with 2lb Potatoes - 4 days in the week
1lb Beef, or, 3/4 lb Pork, with 1/2 pint pease on Pork days, and turnips
Beef days. 1lb Bread 3 days in the week

Supper{ 4oz. Rice or 8oz. Indian Meal, with 1/2 Gill Molasses, or 1 1/2 oz Brown sugar

The above is a Man or Woman full allowance,

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 18

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