Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 561 to 580 of 7066 from your search:

Eskimo Story

Date: 2 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5083

Monologue 3rd episode, Miranda

Date: 9 April 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5083

Christmas Customs

Date: 13-Mar-44

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5083

Christmas Customs

Date: 13-Mar-44

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5083

Christmas Customs

Date: 13-Mar-44

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5083

Christmas Customs

Date: 13 March 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5083

Don Messers' Breakdown

Date: 6 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5083

Johnny Wagner's Breakdown

Date: 6 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5083

Big John McNeil

Date: 6 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Burnt Potato

Date: 6 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Irish Washerwoman

Date: 6 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

St. Ann's Reel

Date: 6 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Attune With Spring in Acadie

Date: 18 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Song of the Robin

Date: 18 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Song of the White Throated Sparrow, or the Canada Bird

Date: 18 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Song of the Wood Pewee

Date: 18 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Bobolink Fantasy

Date: 18 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Bird Chorus, or Hymn

Date: 18 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Indian Song

Date: 8 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084

Constant Farmer's Son

Date: 8 January 1944

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 5084


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