Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 4161 to 4180 of 7066 from your search:

[Interview conducted by Marvin Burke with Murray Langford and Buddy Daye]

Date: September 11, 1967

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6031

[Selection from Canadian Armed Forces Tattoo]

Date: 1967

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6032

All Early (Green Bushes)

Date: 1968

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6033

He's Young But He Daily Are A-Growing

Date: 1968

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6033

Farewell to Nova Scotia

Date: 1968

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6033

Oran Do Cheap Breatainn

Date: 1968

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6033

All Around My Hat

Date: 1968

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6033

[Lecture Illustrated with song from Helen Creighton and the Nova Scotia Singers at the National Library, Ottawa]

Date: 1971

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6034

[Interview with Helen Creighton from Carol Henderson Carptenter]

Date: 4 April 1970

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6035


Date: 1970

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6041

Autumn Fancies

Date: 1970

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6041

[From: Songs of Innocence]

Date: 1970

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6041

Arabian Horse Legend (folk suite)

Date: 1970

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6041

[CBC Broadcast "Scottish Fiddlers"]

Date: 22 June 1971

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6042

[Song re: Miners in Londonderry, N.S.]

Date: 1965

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6043

[CBC Broadcast "Folk music in Canada"]

Date: 1971

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6044

[CBC Broadcast "Folk music in Canada"]

Date: 1971

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6045

[Broadcast "Gary Karr and his friends"]

Date: 1973

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6046

[CKHD Broadcast Amherst "People to people"]

Date: 1973

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6047

[CKHD Broadcast Amherst "People to people"]

Date: 1973

Reference: Helen Creighton Nova Scotia Archives page 6049


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