Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

"Journal", clipping

04 February 1918. — 4 pages : 30 x 40 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Halifax Disaster Record Office
Chronicle Building
Halifax, N.S.
February 4, 1918

Text of Finding

The finding was as follows:
Sir:- Having been directed by the Honourable the Minister of Marine to hold a formal enquiry into the cause of the explosion on the S.S. Mont Blanc on December 6th, 1917, I have to report as follows:
That as directed I had associated with me as Nautical Assessors, Captain Demers, of Ottawa, Dominion Wreck Commissioner and Captain Walter Hose, R. C. N. , of the City of Halifax. I began the enquiry on the 13th day of December, A. D. 1917, and having heard all the witnesses that could throw any light on the situation, and having conferred with the Nautical Assessors, I have reached the following conclusions and desire to report as follows:
1. The explosion on the S. S. Mont Blanc, on December 6th, was undoubtedly the result of a collision in the harbor of Halifax between the S. S. Mont Blanc and the S. S. Imo.
2. Such collision was caused by violation of the rules of navigation.
3. That the pilot and master of the S. S. Mont Blanc were sholly responsible for violating the rules of the road.
4. That Pilot Mackey, by reason of his gross negligence, should be forthwith dismissed by the Pilotage authorities and his license cancelled.
5. In view of the gross neglect of the rules of navigation by Pilot Mackey the attention of the Law Offices of the Crown should be called to the evidence taken on this investigation with a view to a criminal prosecution of such pilot.
6. We recommend to the French authorities such evidence with a view to having Captain Lemedec's license cancelled and such captain dealt with according to the law of his country.
7. That is appearing that the Pilotage authorities in Halifax have been permitting Pilot Mackey to pilot ships since the investigation commenced and since the collision above referred to, we think the authorities, i. e., Pilotage authorities, deserving of censure. In our opinion the authorities should have promptly suspended such pilot.
8. The master and pilot of the Mont Blanc are guilty of neglect in not taking proper steps to warn the inhabitants of the City of a probable explosion.
9. Commander Wyatt is guilty of neglect in performing his duty at C. X. O. in not taking proper steps to insure the regulation being cared out, and especially innot keeping himself fully acquainted with the move-

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 91

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