Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

"Journal", clipping

30 January 1918. — 4 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Halifax Disaster Record Office
Archibald MacMechan, F.R.S.C.
Halifax. N.S.

In brief I consider the fire protection at Piers 23 and 24 practically nil. The two men in charge as watchmen do not know how to operate the 40 gallon extinguishers and have no experience as firemen.
The cargo being discharged from the S.S. Picton is being piled some 14 layers high in cases marked N.C.T. of 118 and 119 gross each, and each case contained 4 shells termed 18 pounders; the weight is so heavy that the flooring under them, (practically new) is sagging about two or more inches, and piles of lumber in close proximity to same. Much of the cargo is damaged and exposed and it occurred to me that by friction of rats gnawing at same might cause serious trouble. However I do not pretend to know the nature of the cargo any more than I report from a fire protection stand point and would recommend as follows:
1. That 2 experienced men be on patrol continuously on fire duty, three shifts in every 24 hours.
2. That the right-of-way to the piers at all times be kept free to admit aparatus.
3. That a permanent house or room be conveniently located to contain hose reel, and that two straight 1-inch nozzles be substituted for the shut off nozzle on reel.
4. That auxiliary fire hose be installed and conveniently located in Piers 23 and 24.
5. That the axes be better distributed in Piers 23 and 24 and that hose now so much distributed be kept more intact.
Respectfully submitted.
(sgd.) J.W. Churchill
Chief Fire Department.

Naval Department Notification.

Besides forwarding the report and correspondence above referred to to Ottawa, City Clerk Monaghan yesterday addressed the following letter to Capt. Pasco,
Capt. Superintendent,
H.M. Dockyard.
Dear Sir: - I beg to inform you that in consequence of a report made by the Chief of the Halifax Fire Department to the Board of Control as to conditions at Sheds 23 and 24, Halifax Ocean Terminals, and also as a result of a fire which occurred in Shed 24 this morning through a workman's coat catching fire from matches or a hot pipe in one of the pockets, we have placed two firemen on duty at these sheds. These men will have to be relieved every eight hours, so that it will be necessary that at least six men be employed for this purpose, to give three 8-hour shifts of two men each.
Until the Department of Naval Service appoints and places on duty at least six competent men for the duty referred to, such a staff will be maintained by the City at the expense of the Department of Naval Service.
Under directions from the Board of Control I am forwarding you a copy of the report of the Chief of the Fire Department which the Secretary was in the act of reading before the said Board at the moment the fire alarm was sounding for the fire at Shed No. 24.
The report of the Fire Chief requires immediate attention by your Department.
Yours truly,
(sgd.) L. Fred. Monaghan
City Clerk.

To Naval Service Department.

Office of City Clerk,
Halifax, N.S.
January 29, 1918.
Department of Naval Service, Ottawa.
Sirs: - Under direction from the Board of Control I beg to enclose herewith copies of correspondence between the City and the Naval Authorities here with regard to the handling of explosives.
Despite the assurence given by Captain Pasco a fire actually broke out in Munition Shed No. 24 this morning at the very moment the Board of Control was dealing with the Fire Chief's report respecting dangerous conditions and lack of precautions.
This fire spread over a radius of about twenty feet and set afire a munitions box partly filled with excelsior and oily rags.
The City of Halifax protests against such condition of affairs and demands immediate action on the part of the Department of Naval Service.
On account of the fire in the Munition Shed the school children were all ordered out of the schools and the residents of the South end of the City out of their houses in the bitter cold.
Yours respectfully,
(sgd) L. Fred. Monaghan,
City Clerk.

Underwriters Want to Know.

At yesterday's meeting of the Board of Control there was read a letter from the Board of Firewards asking to be informed if the city authorities had any knowledge of explosives being stored with the city limits and especially as regards a warehouse on the water front, and, if so, what steps had been taken to compel the authorities to stop such practice.

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 85

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