Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

"Journal", clipping

30 January 1918. — 4 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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Halifax Disaster Record Office
Chronicle Building
Halifax, N.S.

zen's meeting was called at which the Town Council was authorized to appoint a Citizen's Committee to act with them, as such, in everything necessary to be done to properly conduct the relief work in this great emergency.
Three ladies - the President of the Red Cross, the President of the Women's Council and the President of the Victorian Order of Nurses were chosen and appointed and Mr. F.C. Layton, Mr. Percy Bentley, Mr. H.W. Crowe and myself were chosen and appointed. Mr. Crowe was made Treasurer, and Mr. Layton, Chairman of Finance and the Chairmanship and problem of management was thrust upon myself.
I must confess at times I found the work ardous and trying.
The objects sought were threefold. First, and uppermost must be the care and comfort of the sufferers in our charge. Next, the raising of funds and the judicial expenditure of them. And thirdly the preservation of the benevolent names we enjoy as a town.
It is gratifying to believe we have not suffered in any of these charges.
I need scarcely refer again to the manner in which our dependents were cared for, the response to the treatment in itself is a sufficient answer.
The response to our call for funds, foods, clothing and other assistance, with rare exception has been noble and inspiring. Hundreds of citizens and far beyond the confines of our town, in country districts, sent in daily large quantities of cooked and uncooked foods, clothing and cash. With the rare proverbial "fly in the ointment," no greater response could be made in any cause.
It would be considered perfidious on my part to attempt to particularize, although there are individual cases that would stand out in splendid relief were it wise to refer to them.

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 83

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