Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Report: School of the Deaf

5 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

J. Fearon, Principal [top left corner]
School for the Deaf [centered, top of the page]

the roof had here and there gaping holes through which you might drive a coach and four. The flat tarred portion of the roof suffered less. At the moment of the explosion Eileen was drawing down the window blind with her face close to the glass and strange to say, though she received the whole shower of broken fragments she had only a slight cut un her forehead and a scratch or two on her cheek. Mary and Miss Carver were absolutely untouched, but if you had seen the room after the explosion you could not have believed that anyone could have escaped death. I had just entered one of the large sitting rooms and received in my face the whole crash of the broken glass of four huge windows with the plaster of walls and ceilings, but only got a mere pin scratch on my right hand which I did not discover until the following day. Mrs Fearon got a slight cut in her forehead. The pupils and teachers were at prayers in the large Assembly room, the safest place as it happened in the whole building. Many of them were cut about the head and face but not seriously injured. The heavy wood panelled ceiling of the hall supported by powerful metal beams held and acted as an overhead protection. If it had been lath and plaster there would have been a different story to tell. When the crash came, like everyone else I believed it was a shell from outside the harbour and felt sure that ours was the only building touched in the whole city. I ran towards the hall where the pupils were and meeting them rushing out from the Assembly room frightened and bleeding, I hurried them for protection to the basement. Thinking it might have been caused by a bomb from an airoplane I went outdoors. The sun was shining as brightly and peacefully as ever but overhear high up in the blue was a huge white cloud which I found out afterwards was the

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 59

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