01 March 1918. — %>5 pages : 30 x 50 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
1. Your Excellency recently appointed the undersigned to be Commissioners under the name of the Halifax Relief Commission with power to take over and receive all unexpended moneys and goods contributed for the relief of the residents of Halifax, Dartmouth and vicinity who suffered by reason of the disaster of December sixth last and to expend and distribute the same equitably for the general purposes for which they were contributed subject to the direction of Your Excellency in Council.
Your Commissioners were also directed to enquire into and to report to Your Excellency respecting the following matters:-
First: As to the amounts presently available for aid and relief to those who have suffered by the disaster aforesaid and for the restoration of the property destroyed.
Second: As to the additional amount necessary for the purposes aforesaid and the sources from which any additional aid may be anticipated, other than a further appropriation by Your Excellency's Government.
Third: As to any further aid which, having regard to the circumstances aforesaid, ought to be appropriated by Your Excellency's Government for the purpose of aid and restoration.
Fourth: As to any legislation whether by the Federal Parliament or by the Provincial Legislature which may be necessary for the purposes hereinbefore expressed.
Fifth: As to any other matters touching the relief of those who have suffered from the disaster and as to the restoration of that part of the city which has been destroyed upon which the Commission may deem it advisable to express their conclusions to Your Excellency's Government.
2. Your Commission entered upon their duties immediately up receipt of Your Excellency's Commission and have been engaged both in administering the relief funds and in collecting the information necessary to enable them to report to Your Excellency in respect to the enquiries referred to.
3. Your Commission have concluded that, while it has been quite impossible during the period which has elapsed since their appointment to overtake completely the labours imposed upon them by the enquiries they have been called upon to make, it is advisable in the immediate circumstances to submit a preliminary report to Your Excellency outlining the situation generally and making certain recommendations which they think should be considered and adopted without delay, in order not only to assist your Commissioners in the immediate equitable distribution of the moneys already contributed, but also to enable them to report to the sufferers by the disaster as to what further measure of relief is to be anticipated by them, so that the work of restoration now so urgent can be undertaken with more certain knowledge of the available resources.
4. The contributions in cash received in all sources (other than from Your Excellency's Government) up to February 28th last amount to $2,835,400, and it is anticipated that further subscriptions from the general public will not be more than $200,000 in addition to the sum already subscribed, or in round figures a total public subscription of $3,000,000. There has also been received the sum of $1,000,000 advanced by Your Excellency's Government out of the sum of $5,000,000 already appropriated for relief purposes. There has also been appropriated by the Imperial Government the sum of £1,000,000 sterling.
5. There has been expended under the direction of the voluntary committees in charge of general relief previously to the appointment of your Commissioners (including provision for unpaid liabilities of these committees and expenditures incurred by
Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 28
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/MacMechan/archives/?ID=28
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