09 March 1918. — %>5 pages : 30 x 47 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
The Prime Minister calls attention to Paragraph 9 of the report which sets forth the estimate of material damage to property in the City of Halifax, the Town of Dartmouth and the surrounding district. That Paragraph is in the following terms:-
"9. This appraisement which includes damaged property in the whole affected district - the City of Halifax, Town of Dartmouth, and portions of the surrounding Municipal districts - is as follows -
Dwelling houses destroyed and damaged contents...................$6,467,000
Schools........................................................................................................... 342, 000
Churches........................................................................................................ 1,090,000
Charitable and other public institutions 222,000
Business properties and merchandise................................................ 1,041,000
Municipal and public buildings.............................................................. 105,000
Manufacturing plants and "specials".................................................... 3,420,000
The Estimate of the damage to churches and manufacturing plants had been in part made by other appraisers before the appointment of the Board of Appraisal and owing to the importance of the prompt submission of this report these estimates are considered by the Board to be sufficiently correct for present purposes but your Commissioners have satisfied themselves that the losses in respect to these two classes of property will be found to be considerably less than the amount indicated by these estimates and they feel
safe in stating that the direct material loss occasioned by the disaster to the classes of property covered by the appraisement is not likely to exceed the sum of $15,000,000."
This estimate does not take into account the destruction of property of the Federal Government or the loss to shipping in the harbour of Halifax.
The Prime Minister further calls attention to the 12th Paragraph of the Report which is referred to in the Commissioner's recommendations. That Paragraph is as follows:-
"12. Your Commissioners are of the opinion that in view of the circumstances surrounding the events of December sixth and in this report further alluded to the victims of the disaster should eventually be provided for on the general basis of Orders in Council establishing Military pensions; and your Commissioners suggest that they be permitted to provide reasonable allowances during the currect [current?] year with a view to the gradual adjustment of such allowances
Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 23
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/MacMechan/archives/?ID=23
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