Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Certified copy of report of the Committee of the Privy Council approved by His Excellency the Governor General

09 March 1918. — 5 pages : 30 x 47 cm.

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Certified copy of a Report of the Committee of the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency the Governor General on the 9th of March 1918.

P.S. 576

The Committee of the Privy Council have had before them a report, dated 8th March, 1918, from the Righ Honourable the Prime Minister, calling attention to the Order in Council approved on the 22nd January, 1918 (P.C. 112) by which the Halifax Relief Commission was constituted for the purposes therein mentioned.
The Prime Minister observes that an Interim Report, bearing date the 1st day of March, 1918, has been received recently from the Commissioners. The Chairman of the Commission, Mr. T. S. Rogers, K.C., has also attended for the purpose of giving additional explanations with respect to the matters therein set forth. A copy of the Report is hereto appended.
It appears therefrom that the amounts already received or appropriated for the purpose of relief aggregate to about $13,000,000 including the sum of $5,000,000 appropriated by your Excellency in Council, of which $1,000,000

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 23

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