Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative of Dwyer Home, Spring Garden Road, by Mrs. N. Duffus, 77 Inglis Street

3 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

All children required dressings, being more or less cut, but fortunately improved rapidly. Dr. Macaulay kindly came in twice to reassure the nurse that they were receiving proper treatment.
Dr. Oxner was also kind enough to attend to necessary dentistry for us-- our thanks to both are sincere.
Miss McColl from New Glasgow volunteered her services as dietitian and was in the house for several weeks,the chapter feels deeply indebted to her for valuable help. Individuals and chapters have generously contributed towards the Home with gifts of clothing and money and local members have served on duty since its opening.
Christmas Day was thoroughly enjoyed by the children, all being well enough to have Christmas dinner and be present at the Xmas tree. They hung up stockings the night before and all was done to give them a happy time.
In January Miss Armitage began classes at the Home in the morning and three of the older ones going to TowerRoad School in the afternoon.
Altogether 47 children have passed through the home and those leaving are given sufficient clothing to start them off: In most cases the parents are truly grateful for the care and clothes given them. 24 discharged.
February 23rd chickenpox developed, the 2 cases were removed to the Infectious Hospital, it being hoped to prevent the remaining 23 taking it.
The disaster and then later, the fact that an I. O. D. E. Home was opened here have combined to raise interest and gifts of money to the municipal chapter, amounting approximately to

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 21

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