Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative of Dwyer Home, Spring Garden Road, by Mrs. N. Duffus, 77 Inglis Street

3 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Report of the Dwyer Home, Spring Garden Road: by Mrs. N Duffus 77 Inglis St.

On the 8th of December 1917 - - a meeting of Citizens was called to meet at City Club, to hear any helpful suggestions that might be given us by the American Red Cross, on hearing of the disaster which occurred on the 6th.
Among the speakers was Col. McKelvey Bell, chief medical officer, who spoke of the congested conditions at all hospitals -- that suggested the idea of opening a Home under the management of the Daughters of the Empire, which would take children only requiring dressings, who might be able to leave hospital, but having no home to go to and whose parents were either killed or wounded.
On the 10th Mrs. Dwyer kindly gave us the use of a house, 69 Spring Garden Road, most suitable and centrally situated -- also having grounds and every opportunity for outdoor recreation. Permission was secured from proper authorities to open this Emergency Shelter and their interest and encouragement has been continuous.
On the 11th, a trained nurse, Miss Nina Caldwell, was engaged as Superintendent. The 12th was a very busy day for the Daughters at 69, cleaning and geting in necessary furniture and supplies and on the 13th the I. O. D. E. Home was in readiness for its young family.
The first arrival was a tiny baby girl that had been picked up on the street, in a shoebox, the day of the explosion. She was in a fair way of being spoiled by attention but was claimed before evening and given a nice little trousseau of clothes. From opening when have had up to 25--capacity-- seldom lower than 18.

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 21

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