Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

Personal narrative Sisters Edevina, Rita, Ethelied, Maria Arilia of St. Joseph's Girls' School

2 pages : 30 x 40 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

MGI volume 2124 number 18

into the class-room. Just as she turned away from the window the explosion came. She was unhurt, although right under a window, as her back was turned to it. Deliberated as to what she should do. Looked into the class-room and saw that the floor had fallen. (The floor of the clothes-room was intact.) After a little she worked her way around the edges of the room, until she came to a front window, got over the sill and sat on a tin projection that was just under the window. After sitting there a while, she carefully let herself over the edge of the projection, hung by her hands for a minute or so, and then dropped to the ground -- a story and a half. About eight other girls, seeing her success, followed her example. None of them were hurt. Doris Kenty did not want to drop out the window so 'waited for a while'. She told the sister she must have come down the stairs, altho' she didn't remember doing so, but just 'found herself out-doors" .. Another sister met her on the stairs as she went up to look for children.
Note Sister Maria Cecilia, after she fell with the floor and found herself imprisoned, listened for crackle of flames. As they did not come, she was relieved of anxiety of danger from the furnace. Then she quietly waited for rescue. Was determined that when she heard voices, she would not answer until she could hear what language they spoke. If they spoke in German, she would 'just keep still'. She had thought that the school was hit by a bomb from an airship.

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 18

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