%>4 pages : 30 x 40 cm.
note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Thursday, Dec. 6th, was a fine clear day, quite in in keeping with the keen spirit of work and prosperity evident in Convent and School.
At the usual hour the seven Sisters teach in Oxford street school had departed for their daily tasks, and the Staff of St. Joseph's had gone to their allotted work.
All was peace and quiet. A few Rods distant in the Harbor, were several vessels, one of which contained the fatal cargo which was to bring death and devastation to hundreds in St. Joseph's Parish... which as the death-fraught vessel? No one knew that there was such a one. Not on of us dreamed of the fearful work that was to be wrought in one instant, of broken hearts, and homes, and of the destitution of the happy school children.....
Which of the Sister, when leaving for School that morning, thought for a moment that Dec. 6th, was the last time they would meet their classes, and that their home would be in ruins?.....
There was not the slightest intimation that anything extraordinary was to happen until a low murmuring sound, seemingly from below, was heard. This was instantly followed by the ripping of beams, woodwork, crumbling of stairs, crashing of glass, statues and other movable articles.
The explosion occurred just about the time of roll-call. There were nine classes of girls in the School, their ages ranging from five to sixteen years. Of these only four were killed....... God protected His children marvellously! The Attic roof caved in on the Eight Grade room, pinning Sister to her platform which with the floor was slowly descending to the room below, (Grade Second.) Many of the Eight Grade pupils made their escape through the window of the room. A few jumped to the ground, as the stair-case leading to the front door was destroyed.... Two of the little ones in Grade
Written by one of St. Joseph's Sisters.
Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 17
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/MacMechan/archives/?ID=17
Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.