Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotian Diaspora

Letter from Honorable Richard Bulkeley, President of HM. Council, to James Morden Esquire, directing him to issue certain Government stores for the expedition to Sierra Leone
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With a small Proportion of Musquets together with Rounds a Gun with the several other appendages necessary there unto will be requisite for said services.

You are therefore hereby required and directed to issue out of His Majesty’s Stores, the aforesaid Guns & Arms & Ammunition, taking his receipt for the same and engaging himself on his Arrival at Sierra Leona, to deliver the Guns together with the Stores that may remain to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or the person Chief in Command of the Settlement for His Majesty’s Service.

I am
Your most Obedient &
Most Humble Servant,
Richard Bulkeley

Date: 8 December 1791

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 8

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