Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from the Commissioners of Sable Island addressing the accusations made regarding the conditions of Sable Island

1848. — 4 pages : 30 x 47 cm.

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Halifax, March 29th 1848


We have learned by a letter lately received from Mr. Joseph Darby Superintendent at Sable Island that he had made a communication to His Excellency the Lieut. Governor in reply to the Report which we had the honor to make to His Excellency on the 6th December last, and which received His Excellencys approbation.

We beg to ask the favour of you to assure His Excellency that we are prepared to substantiate if necessary all the facts Stated in that Report, and we would not now intrude on His Excellencys time: But that the tone of Mr. Darbys communications has lately been so inconsistent with propriety that we consider it necessary to bring his conduct under the notice of The Government.

We have before stated to His Excellency, that as Mr. Darby had with some exceptions conducted himself to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, we were inclined to pass over some

The Honorable
Joseph Howe
Provincial Secretary

4 pages 30 x 47 cm

Date: 1848

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 425 number 41

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.