Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Letter from Joseph Darby to the Commissioners of Sable Island

1842. — 3 pages : 30 x 47 cm.

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in the mean time we have made several extensive endeavors of the Island for Cultivation and other purposes, also having assisted in saving the lives of the Crews of nearly forty Ships with numerous Passengers and baggage; besides other property worth at the lowest estimation Seventy thouseand Pounds, besides raising Pork & beef for one half of the consumption of the Establishment, also having picked up the Wrecks of Seven large Ships Boats built upon them, and repaired them so that they sold in this Market for considerable sum of Money but of which I did not receive one Penny;

Now those very great and long continued exertions, with frequent hair breadth escapes from Drowning by being upset in Boats, has had a Tendency to reduce my Vigour considerably, and in a Certain degree to injure my Constitution, but yet it is by those exertions, and those preparations to facilitate the saving of Lives and Property, that so much has been accomplished, and so few lives lost, to what there was formerly, And as I cannot save any thing from One hundred pounds per annum, to benefit my family, and as I am not making any thing by the Establishment, my time and labours appear to me to be literally thrown away, and it will leave me in Poverty, I therefore humbly submit the above written statement, to the Wisdom of your Councils, Praying you to take them into consideration and endeavour to obtain for me some extra remuneration, for those extra-Services either out of the Money produced by those Services, or in

3 pages 30 x 47 cm

Date: 1842

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 425 number 3

Nova Scotia Archives —

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