Nova Scotia Archives

Footprints in the Sand

Pre‐1867 Government Records for Sable Island

Revenue for the schooner Daring from 25 April to 1 December 1848 for Joseph Darby

1848. — 3 pages : 30 x 24 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

to Amount Brought forward - 35-18-5 1/2
Sept 20th 1/2 cord of wood - Trucking - & towing 11-3
" Paid for washing Table Cloths and towells [towels] 2-9.
25 to 3 yds of Red Bunting at 10 =2/6 1/2 tt black lead 1/3 - 3-9.
" 3 panes of [illegible could be glass] and glazing 3/ 3 gallons of teak oil 2/6=7/6 - 10-6
26th to cash paid for damage done to a pew at Sydney C./3. 1-10-01
29 - 43 [illegible] of mutton 4=14/4 Vegetable 2/9 2 bushel potatoes 3/9=7/6 1-4-7.
30 to cash paid [pilotage] into man a [illegible] 1-5-0
Oct 2 to --- out of ditto 15-0
4-1/2 Cord of Wood at Arichat 20=10 10-0
6 to Amount of patrick Bulgers bill 2-1-8
" 2 bushel potatoes 3/9 =7/6 Vegetables - 3/ - 2 [geese,cheese illegible] 1/6 =3/ 13-6
" 6 Chickens at 9=4/6 Cash paid for Washing towels [illegible] 3/ 7-6
" 2 gallon of paint-oil 5/6=11/ 4 tt of Candles 1/=4/ 15-0
16th Cash paid for portage of letters at Guysbororo 3-0
17th to [illegible] Boat at Guysboro 12-3
- 6 split Brooms 5[?]=2/6 3 ll of Butter 10 [?] = 2/6 5-0
- 6 yds of [illegible] for jib + half topsail - 1/6 = 9-0
19th to Amount of Thomas Peast, bill 17-6
24-1/4 Cord of wood - Truckage + [lawring?]] 5-9
30th 1/[?] Cord of wood 7/6 5 bushel potatoes 2/=10/ 17-6
Nov 7th 1/2 Cord of Wood Truckage + [lawring?] 10-0
[pound sign] 50-8-11 1/2
Dec 1st to Ant of Landries for a trip to Sable Island as [illegible] account 2-4-3 this amount paid in [illegible]

Received from the [commisionares?] of Sable Island fifty pounds 8/11 1/2 as above
31st December 1848

3 pages 30 x 24 cm

Date: 1848

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 31 series 120 volume 3 number 185

Nova Scotia Archives —

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