Nova Scotia Archives

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Documenting the Heritage of African Nova Scotians

Appendix 21: Petition of Colored People at Preston
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

occupy, that those of us who wish to sell and remove to better locations or follow other employments may dispose of our lands and improvements to those who remain. At present, holding under Tickets of location, we cannot sell to advantage, we are tied to the land without being able to live upon it, or even vote upon it, without being at every Election questioned, browbeaten and sworn.

      2nd. Our humble prayer is, that your Excellency will cause some larger and better lots of land to be laid off, and assigned to those of us, who are willing to remove upon such terms of settlement as will enable us to acquire a freehold by patient industry and frugality and your Petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray —

William Dair Senr.
Sampson Carter

(and about 105 others; all but about three (excl. 2 above) made their X's).

!! Names are not transcribed.

Date: 1841

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives RG 20 series C volume 31

Nova Scotia Archives —

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