Nova Scotia Archives

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Documenting the Heritage of African Nova Scotians

Letter from James G. Barbadoes of Boston requesting information on behalf of Black people wishing to proceed to Trinidad. Addressed to Sir Rupert D. George, Provincial Secretary
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Government for to go and prepar for thoes that wish To go as we hav not hird of any Agent we air led to Think that [illegible] is not any one there for it is Perposed By many friends for mee to go out for them. Providing this plan meets your approval. As the Publick has Confided in mee in Menney transaction of grat trust and Responsibility. They Seame to Chuse Mee for this. Thair is Considerable number that That wishes to go. Providing we Can go with Safety to our famleys and I am willing to Comply Providing her Majesty Government will Defray my Expences of Pasheges thair and back a gaine. and one dollar Per day during the time that I am absent from home an for her Sirvesis. This is a mean Proviso. If I shoud be Wanted. Wheras Persons that wish to go as well as my Self is All Tempernce Men and of good buisness habits
8th Permit mee to ask wot for Curagment is given to Mechanic as thair is a [illegible] a five of that [illegible] of various branches. And a many which is a brother in law of mine Mr started a printer by trade. Competant of conductting a news paper or aney other kind [printing?] . He is of unblemished charactor and hyle [illegible] away [litervation?] of trust that myt be confurd on him. he has not means to astablish a Prefs. but wold be pleased ro be imployed by her Majesty.
(9th Relativ to Public schooles Masters & Mivsteces competant of instructing commen gramer schools wot is thair salrey per year.
(10th Honored Sir permit mee to in given on wot condishan can [emev?] grants of good buisness habites competant of conductting a plantations. Contract for a larg grant of lands from the Crowne. One of the grat abjects is after abtaining thease particlar facts is to call a Public meeting in Boston. and [news?] the public mind by a statement of Cheaving facts and for thair best intrest and to explain to them the uncompromising phalanthropic efforts of the Brittish government for thair behalf: An answer is requested as soon as convient, Dear sir as a referanc respecting my self. your Honourable can refer to [Messus?] William L. Garrison. and David Lee Child. Esq.
To His Excellency's Command James G. Barbadoe
Rupert D. George.

God Save the Queen
Court St No.2 Boston Mass.

Date: 31 November 1839

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records — Black Refugees series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 422 number 54

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