note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
To gather with all the particlars in the case which has not bin mentioned in the proclamation and allso a copey of the Laws respecting it. I hav bin [indust?] by the Request of a grat number of friends that is interested allso to wright you respecting it so that you cold furnish mee with all the particlars which has not bin published in the proclamation and answer thease question which wee dont understand and send a coppey on [good?] of the [illegible].
Sir permit mee [illegible] to inquir weather a vessell will be sent to Boston providing thair shuld be a nomber of persons willing to go or weather we should hav to [illegible] our expences to New York.
)2 by please to inform mee how much baggage or furnature a famley will be permit-ted to carry.
(3 iff houses or cottage will be redey for The Emigrants on ariving thair
(4th Respecting theas cottages and half acre of land. Are thay free gift or is said cottages and lands to be paid for at a futer time and if to be paid for how mutch will they cost. and how long time is given to pay for them.
(5 is the Crown lands in settled townes or Viliges or distant places in the ajasent cuntrey.
(6 In respect of health to wot extent dos new Setlers suffer under disevbilentys withe fevers or other sikness. and weather the [Asiatic?] sweld feeat prevales thaire and wot is the General everrig of lives in this Coloney and if thay air provided fir with Sutable things for the sick Doctors & free of expence.
(7 Thair is a grat desier for an Agent to be a printed from hear or ales move by your
Date: 31 November 1839
Reference: Commissioner of Public Records — Black Refugees series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 422 number 54
Nova Scotia Archives —
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