Nova Scotia Archives

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Documenting the Heritage of African Nova Scotians

Memorial of Michael Wallace, Commissioner for removing the Blacks to Sierra Leone, to Richard Bulkeley, President of HM. Council, seeking authority to enter into agreements on behalf of Government
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

To the Honourable Rich. Bulkley
President of His Majesty's Council
of Novia Scotia - etc

The memorial of Michael Wallace respectfully


That in obedience to the orders received
by your memorialist on the 12th of November last, from His
Excellency the late Lieut Governor Parr, to take up a sufficient
quantity of shipping for conveying the free blacks to Sierra leone,
and in consequence of public advertisements previously ordered
by the late Lieut. Governor, several tenders have been made
to your memorialist by the Owners of such vessels as were
here and deemed suitable for that service.---
That those tenders have varied but little in the
terms demanded, viz. from ten pounds currency to ten
pounds Sterling each for grown persons and Seven pounds to
Seven pounds ten shillings for children indiscriminately, under
sixteen years of age; the Ships to find fuel, water and
water cask only, for the voyage. __

That your memorialist has used every means
he could devise to obtain transport upon lower terms, ___
But, (con't)

Date: 1 December 1791

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records — Black Refugees series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 6

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