Nova Scotia Archives

Looking Back, Moving Forward: Documenting the Heritage of African Nova Scotians

Deed from John Gardiner Herbert and his wife to John Liddell, C. Baggs and JW. Pyke - Lands at Hammonds Plains - not recorded
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Know all Men by these presents that we John Liddell, Charles Boggs and John Winman Pyke of Halifax in the Province of Nova Scotia, Merchants for and in consideration that the lands herein after mentioned and described are wanted and required by His Majestys Government for the accommodation, settlement and use of Black Refugees and such other preferences as to the Government shall deem expedient and also in consideration that the Right Honourable The Earl of Dalhousie GCB Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia hath graciously been pleased on behalf of His Majesty George the Third King and to promise and assure us that other lands shall be granted to us in lieu of the said Lands and in further considerations of the sum of Five Shillings to us in hand hand at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents on behalf of His Majesty the receipt whereof is freely acknowledged. Have granted conveyed relinquished surrendered and [released?] and by these presents do grant convey relinquish surrender and release unto His Majesty King George the Third, his Heirs and successors all that piece and parcel of land, [track?] lying and being on the Northern Side of Hammond Plain Grant in the County of Halifax and Province of Nova Scotia described Lot Number Three containing Five Hundred acres bounded truthfully by lands granted to the said Charles Boggs, Southerly by lands granted to [illegible] James Ewing Westerly by Christian Greens Land and Easterly by Adam [Brischangers] lands being the same land originally granted to John Gardines Herbert and by him conveyed to us by Deed hereto annexed. To Have and to Hold the said Lot of Land improvements and appurtenances to our [said?] Lord the King His Heirs and successors forever freely clearly and absolutely [acquitted?] and discharged of and from all claim and demand which we have or can have into and upon the same or any part thereof and Harriett Liddell wife of the said John Liddell, Mary Boggs, wife of the said Charles Boggs, Anne Jane Pyke wife of the said John W. Pyke. Do for themselves by there presents remise, release and relinquish all right title claim and demand which they have or can have unto and upon the said Lands or any part thereof in Right of Dower or otherwise to our said Lord the King His Heirs and Successors forever. In Withness whereof we have [illegible] set our hands and seals this fifth day November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of:

John Liddell
Harriet Liddel
Charles Boggs
Mary Boggs
John [U?] Pyke
Ann Jane Pyke
J L Pyke
E J [Hobson?]

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records — Black Refugees series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 118

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