Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotian Diaspora

Descriptions of certain lands at Preston relinquished for the use of Black Refugees, in the handwriting of Surveyor General Charles Morris
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Mr. Tidmarsh
That certain tract of land situate lying and being in the Township of Preston and abutted and bounded as follows viz Beginning at the Southwestern angle of a tract of Land belonging to the Estate[?] of the late Nathan Hatfield from thence to run Easterly along the line of said land three hundred and twenty Rods or until it comes to the Water [illegible] line[?] of land late the property of the late Honourable Michael Wallace and by him relinquished for the use of the people of Colour; thence southerly the course of the line 50 rods or until it comes to the northern sideline of the ten acre lot Number 26;thence westerly along the line of said lot 26 320 rods or until it comes to the public highway thence northerly along the line of said highway 50 rods or until it meets the place of beginning containing 100 acres more or less according to the general plan found in the office of the Surv. Gen.
W . O'Brien that certain tract of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Preston on the northern side of t he main public road leading from Dartmouth to Musquodoboit abutted and bounded as follows, viz, beginning at the western bound of a tract of land in the possession of William Bell, from thence to run northerly along the line of said Bell's land 200 rods more or less or until it comes to upper or northern side line of lot number 20 laid out for the occupation of Sampson Carter thence westerly along said line and the northern sideline of lot number 19, 320 rods or until it comes to Partridge River thence southerly by the several courses of said river downstream until it comes to the public road aforementioned thence easterly by the several courses of said road until it meets the place of beginning. containing 350 acres more or less according to the general plan filed in the office of the Surv. gen.

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 97

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