Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotian Diaspora

Lewis DeMolitor's contract for victualling Black Refugees
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This Indenture made and entered into [the?] Sixteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen Between Lewis De mollitor of Halifax in the Province of Nova Scotia Merchant of the one part and the Honorable Thoms Nicholson Jeffery Collector of His Majesty's Customs at the Port of Halifax for and in behalf of our Sovereign Lord George the Third King etc of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Lewis de Mollitor for and in consideration of the promises agreements sum or sums of money herein after mentioned on the part of the said Thomas Nicholson Jeffery or his Successors in office in behalf of our said Lord the King to and with the said Lewis de Mollitor to be kept [perfect?] and paid Hath covernanted promised and agreed to and with the said Thomas N Jeffery in manner and form following that is to say that he the said Lewis de Mollitor will supply or cause or procure to be provided and supplied for the Negroes and people of Colour now resi-dent or who shall hereafter become resident at Melville Island Halifax under the care of His Majesty's Government the Provisions Articles and necessaries following in the manner at the rate and according to the Divisions and proportions following to wit that the said Lewis de Mollitor will provide and supply or cause to be provided and supplied four days during each and every week for the space [of?] Three Months from the Eighteenth day of the present month of December each and every Negroe or person of Colour the same being Males and the age of twelve years and in health one pound of Bread, half a pound of fresh beef, one pound of Potatoes or in lieu thereof one gill of rice, half a pound of Indian Meal, one gill of Molasses one quart of Spruce beer and one third of an ounce salt per diem and for three days in each and every week during the Term aforesaid for each and every such Negro or person of Colour as afore being in health half a pound of Salt Pork one pound of Indian Meal half a [gill?] of Molasses half a pound of Potatoes or in lieu thereof half a gill of rice one ounce ground Coffee one quart of Spruce Beer and one third of an ounce of Salt which provisions shall be of good sound and healthful quality. And the said Lewis de Mollitor doth also promise undertake and agree to supply and provide for each and every Negro woman or woman of colour and for every Negro Ch[ild?] of either sex under the age of twelve years residetn upon the said Island and at the days and times aforesaid such quantities and prot[?] of the articles herein before enumerated and expressed and of like good quality as the said Thomas N. Jeffery his Deputy or Agency may [from?] time to time require. All of which said Provisions and articles are to be


Date: 16 December 1815

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 420 number 84

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