Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotian Diaspora

Deed from James C. Cochran to John Griffin for lands on Windsor Road - not recorded
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1 Feb 1816

This Indenture made the first day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixteen, between James Cuppaidge Cochran, of Windsor in the County of [Hants?], in the Province of Nova Scotia, Gentleman, of the one part, and John Griffin of Windsor aforesaid, of the other part, Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of Ten shillings of lawful money of the Province aforesaid by the said John Griffin paid to the said James Cuppaidge Cochran, at or before the ensealing or delivery of these presents, the receipt where of is hereby, acknowledged, the said James Cuppaidge Cochran hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed, and by these presents Doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff and confirm unto the said John Griffin, his Heirs and Assigns, forever, the following Lot and parcel of Land, with all and singular its appurtenances, which said Lot of Land is part and parcel of a tract of Land situated lying and being in the Township of Windsor aforesaid, upon the South-west side of the great road leading from Windsor to Halifax, and commonly known by the name of lot No. 7, and is bounded as follows, Beginning at the South-east corner of the Lands lately granted to Andrew William Cochran, thence running South-west, along said Lands, 20 chains; thence South-east five chains, thence North-east twenty chains or until it meets the great road aforesaid; thence along said road to the place first mentioned; containing ten acres. And also, all Houses, out-houses, Buildings, Woods, underwoods, Ways, Waters, Water-courses, Easements, profits, commodities and appurtenances whatsoever, to the said Lot of Land or premise belonging or in any wise appertaining, on to or with the same usually occupied or [enjoyed?] or accepted, [rebuted?], taken or known as part, parcel or member thereof - and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, yearly [illegible] rents, issued and profits hereof, and of every part thereof: And also all the Estate, right, title, interest, use, trust, inheritance, property, claim and demand whatsoever, both at Law and in Equity of him the said James Cuppaidge Cochran, of, in, to and out of the said Lot of Land and premises hereby granted, or mentioned, or intended is to be, or any part or parcel thereof, with its and every of its appurtenances. To have and to Hold, the said Lot of Land, and all and singular other the premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended is to be, and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said John Griffin, and to his Heirs and assigns, to the proper and absolute use and behoof of the said John Griffin, and his Heirs and Assigns, forever. Provided always nevertheless, and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents, and of...

Date: 1 February 1816

Reference: Commissioner of Public Records collection Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 419 number 110

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