Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos et Centre de recherche

Land grant of Pubnico

Land Grant of Pubnico - 1785
Document original, daté du 5 novembre1784 et enregistré le 21 avril 1785, décrivant les concessions de terres faites à Benoni, Paul et Joseph d’Entremont, Abel Duviont [sic], Isidore Amiros [sic], Jacques Amiros[sic], Paul Dusient [sic], Joseph Amiros [sic], Isidore Doufses [sic], Isidore Bellivos [sic], L’Ange Amiros [sic], Charles Bellivos [sic], Joseph Bellivos [sic], Pelitiah Goodwin, Nathan Goodwin, Walter Larkin, John Larkin et William Larkin dans la région de Pubnico.
Le document est signé par : John Parr et R. Bulkeley.
On peut lire la note suivante au verso du document : « Deed to land according to map of Pubnico », la carte étant probablement le document 1998.3-f11-N#3 ou #4. L’extrait suivant est tiré de la concession de terres de 1785. Le texte intégral peut être consulté sur le site Web du Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos, à

GEORGE the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland KING, Defender of the Faith and so Forth.
To all to whom these Presents shall come, GREETING,
Know yet, the Web, of our special Grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, have given and granted, and by these Presents for us, our Heirs and Successors, do give and grant unto Bennie Determent, Paul D'Entremont, Joseph D'Entrement, Abel Dusiont, Isidore Asmiros, Jacques Asmiros, Paul Dusiont, Joseph Asmiros, Isidore Dousses, Isidore Bellivos, L'Ange Asmiros, Charles Bellivos, Josheph Bellivos, Peletiah Goodwin, Nathan Goodwin, Walter Larkin, John Larkin & William Larkin in severalty and in severalty, unto their and every of their several and respective Heirs and Assigns, Two certain Tracts of Land, Containing together in the whole, Five thousand seven hundred Acres in the County of Queens County, in our Province of Nova Scotia, bounded and Abutted Situate laying and being, as follows to wit, One tract Beginning at the Northern bound of Land, Granted Peletiah Goodwin at the Head of Pubnico Harbour, thence to run north twenty five degrees west, Eighty Chains of four rods each, thence South Sixty five degrees west to the Sea Shore, thence to be bounded by the several Courses of the Sea Shore, running Southerly and Easterly to the Entrance of the said Harbour, thence running northerly up the said Harbour to the bound first mention'd, Containing Three thousand, Exclusive of eight hundred Acres, heretofore Granted and Excepted out of this tract, Also another Tract Situate on the said Harbour and Beginning, on the lower bound Land, Granted Michael Belliveaux on the East side of the said Harbour, thence to run South Eighty degrees East, One hundred and Sixty Chains, thence South Ten Degrees West, One hundred and Sixty eight Chains, thence north Eighty degrees West to the Harbour, thence by the harbour to the bounds first mentioned, Containing Two thousand seven hundred Acres, & Containing in both Tracts five thousand Seven hundered Acres with Allowance for Roads &c and being all Wilderness Land.
And hath such Shape, form, and Marks, as appears by a Plate thereof hereunto annexed; together with all Woods, Underwoods, Timber and Timber Trees, Lakes, Ponds, Fishings, Waters, Water Courses, Profit, Commodities, Appurtenances, and Hereditaments whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any Wise appertaining; together also with Privilege of Hunting, Hawking, and Fowling in and upon the same, and Mines and Minerals; SAVING and reserving NEVERTHELESS to us, our Heirs and Successors, all white Pine Trees if any shall be found growing thereon, and also SAVING and reserving to us, our Heirs and Successors all Mines and Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Coals, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Parcel or Tract of Five thousand and Seven Hundred Acres of Land and all and singular other Premises hereby granted unto the said Several and Respective Grantees in the lots Shares Quantities and proportions, and in severalty as follows to wit, Unto the said Benoni D'Entrement four hundred Acres, Paul D'Entrement four hundred & fifty Acres, Joseph D'Entrement five hundred & fifty Acres, Abel Dusiont, five hundred Acres, Isidore Asmiros three three hundred Acres, Jacques Asmiros, Two hundred Acres, Paul Dusiont, Joseph Asmiros and Isidore Dousses, One hundred Acres severally apiece, unto the said Isidore Bellivos, four hundred Acres, unto the said L'Ange Asmiros five hundred and fifty Acres, unto the said Nathan Goodwin three hundred and fifty Acres, unto the said Walter Larkin, six hundred and fifty Acres, unto the said John Larkin, and William Larkin, One hundred Acres severally apiece, and unto their and each and every of their several and
GIVEN under the Great Seal of our Province of Nova-Scotia, WITNESS our Trusty and Welbeloved John Parr Esquire Our Captain General and Governor in chief in and over our said Province this 5th Day of November in the Year of our LORD One thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty four. And in the Twenty fifth Year of our Reign.
Nova Scotia HalifaxRegistered 21 April 1785 Ar Goolo RegrR Bulkeley
Sign'd in Council R Bulkeley

Date: 1785

Reference: Série X Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos 1998.3-F11-P2556

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