Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos et Centre de recherche

Pubnico Fishermen

Fishermen from West Pubnico – Photo taken in Canso, NS, during a trip to Prince Edward Island to pick up a load of potatoes.

From left to right: Ferdinand (Ferd) Amirault, Bill Amirault, and his son Marc Amirault, all three from West Pubnico and Austin d’Entremont (Rosabelle’s father) from West Pubnico. Ferdinand and Bill were the co-owners of this packet boat named Lavinia with which they carried out their coastal trade along our coastline. The picture is taken at Canso on their way to PEI, where they were going to pick up a load of potatoes.

Date: [ca. 1910]

Reference:  Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos 1998.22-P111

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