Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Antigonish Heritage Museum

Precious Memories

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Siblings Margaret Mary, Irene and Alexander MacDonald of Maryvale are posed for this special photograph. In February 1915, the children send their Papa valentine cards and letters to cheer him. Angus Tulloch MacDonald is working as a teamster in Boston while his wife Flora and young family are living with her parents in Maryvale.

Sadly, Margaret Mary contracts a serious illness later in 1915 and dies June 11th of spinal meningitis. These precious mementos are held by her father Angus Tulloch MacDonald, later by her brother Alexander AKA Stuffy, finally by nephew Martin who passes them on to the Antigonish Heritage Museum in 2011.

Date: 1915

Reference: Angus Tulloch MacDonald fonds Antigonish Heritage Museum 2015.025.001

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