Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Centre Acadien, Université Sainte-Anne

Collège Sainte-Anne in the middle of the twentieth century, Church Point, NS

Université Sainte-Anne - In 2015, Université Sainte-Anne, Nova Scotia’s only French-language post-secondary education institution, celebrated its 125th anniversary. Known both as an institution of higher learning and as an excellent environment for student development, the University has played a key role in promoting French language and culture in Acadia. It has produced thousands of graduates who have contributed to the development of our society.

As the first Acadian national conventions gave rise to a great awakening, the Acadians became aware of the urgent need for development, particularly in the field of education. Founded in 1890, Collège Sainte-Anne was the result of Father Sigogne’s vision and the emergence of Acadians’ renewed will to survive as a people. At the outset, its future was far from assured, and over the years, Sainte-Anne has undergone significant changes. In 1961, it welcomed its first four lay students, and in 1971, the college became a secular institution and gained university status; the institution’s designation was officially changed in 1977, with the passing of a private member’s bill.

The above post card shows the main buildings on the grounds of the College as they appeared in the middle of the twentieth century: The Haché wing, renamed the Dagnaud building in 1980, and the central building, now known as the Gustave Blanche Building.

Today, the University offers university and college programs through five campuses, located in Halifax, Petit-de-Grat, Saint-Joseph-du-Moine, Tusket and Church Point, the latter being the main campus. Although Acadians from Nova Scotia were mostly recruited during the early years, the students’ origins have always been varied. There are currently students of more than twenty nationalities. This diversity enriches the University’s sociocultural life. For a more complete portrait, consult the virtual exhibition “125 années d’histoire(s) à raconter” (only available in French) hosted on the Université Sainte-Anne website.

Topic: Education

Date: [ca. 1949]

Reference: Université Sainte-Anne Collection Centre Acadien Series B, photo 63

sainte-anne  Logo

For more information, visit the Centre Acadien website.


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