Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Actions to Address Violence Against Women in Nova Scotia Timeline, 1974-2012 (Part 6 of 6, 2008-2012)

Community Highlights:

-Sacred Children: A Parent Resource Kit for Aboriginal Families launched.
-Transition House Association of Nova Scotia and Alice Housing issue press release regarding the failure of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act in legislature.

-Mi’kmaw Family Healing Program partners with Second Chances Men’s Intervention Program.
-Mi’kmaw Victim Support Services pilot launches; program becomes permanent.

-Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association (NSNWA) launches the Sisterness Family Violence program.
-Two Wolves program, the first Mi’kmaw men’s intervention program in Nova Scotia, launches.

-Strait Area Women’s Place opens in Port Hawkesbury.
-Trauma and Healing: Women’s Support Groups for Mi’kmaw Women launches.
-Alice Housing Healing the Bruises Project (launched 2007) launches the book “Healing the Bruises” published. (can be seen in the following images)
-Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association works with families of Sisters in Spirit.
-Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association receives funds to work with women in small urban and rural communities to address violence against women.

Government Highlights:

-Nova Scotia government introduces the Crime Prevention Strategy.
-Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women publishes “Changes pour le mieux: un livre pour les femmes victims de violence, Quatrieme edition (Revisee)”, distrbuted to transition houses and women-serving organizations across the province.

-Nova Scotia introduces the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) tool for police use.
-Criminal Injuries Counselling Programs are expanded to include children who witness domestic violence.

2009: Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women publishes “Making Changes: a book for women in abusive relationships, 6th edition” and “Changer pour le mieux : un livre pour les femmes victimes de violence 5e éd..” distributed to transition houses and women-serving organizations across the province.

-Nova Scotia Government releases the Domestic Violence Action Plan.
-Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women publishes “Making Changes: a book for women in abusive relationships, 7th edition”, which was distributed to transition houses and women-serving organizations across the province.

-Nova Scotia Department of Justice releases results from the Domestic Violence Public Opinion Survey. (can be seen in the following images)
- Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women launches the Domestic Violence e-clearinghouse (

-Nova Scotia Department of Justice launches pilot of the Domestic Violence Court Program.
-2012: Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women publishes “Making Changes: a book for women in abusive relationships, 8th edition,” which was distributed to transition houses and women-serving organizations across the province and made available online.

Community-Government Collaborative Work:

-Minister’s Task Force on Safer Streets and Communities struck.
-Develops and publishes “Safely on your way: child custody and access information for women leaving abusive relationships and their service providers” (can be seen in the following images)

-Consultations held with the Federation des Femmes Acadiennes de la Nouvelle-Ecosse (FFANE) regarding domestic violence.
-Consultations held with Acadian women regarding the Domestic Violence Action Plan (DVAP).
-Domestic Violence Provincial Committee (DVPC) submits report and recommendations to the Deputy Minister’s Leadership Committee.

2010:Joint government-community Domestic Violence Prevention Committee struck by the Nova Scotia Minister of Justice.

-Minster of Justice and the Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association work collaboratively regarding the death of V. Paul.
-Nova Scotia Tripartite Report: Addressing Mi’kmaq Family Violence.
-Working committee formed to develop a specialized domestic violence court pilot project in Sydney.
-Nova Scotia Government engages community in focus groups across the province regarding the creation of a community/government networking framework.

-Nova Scotia Department of Justice launches the Dialogue on Domestic Violence online survey, developed in partnership with community stakeholders.
-Nova Scotia Department of Justice, Transition House Assocation of Nova Scotia (THANS), and other community stakeholders partner around the adaptation of Ontario’s Neighbours, Friends and Family initiative addressing family violence.

Reference:  Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women NSDV6

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