Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Actions to Address Violence Against Women in Nova Scotia Timeline, 1974-2012 (Part 5 of 6, 2001-2007).

Community Highlight:

2001:Transition House Assocation of Nova Scotia (THANS) presents to Law Amendments on potential changes with Child Custody and Access a priority Black women's health: a synthesis of health research relevant to black Nova Scotians published by the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Womens' Health (ACEWH).

-Tri-County Women’s Centre opens (Yarmouth).
-Transition House Assocation of Nova Scotia (THANS) and Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre each receive the Atlantic Centre of Excellence Award for Women's Health.
-Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre launches Rural Healthy Relationships Program (renamed Healthy Relationships for Youth in 2006).
-Mi'kmaq Legal Support Network (MLSN) begine operations.

Community-Government Collaborative Work:

-Development of regulations for the Domestic Violence Intervention Act (DVIA).
-Family Violence Redesign becomes a community -government collaborative work.

2003: “Restorative Justice in Nova Scotia: Women’s Experiences and Recommendations” document released.

Government Highlights:

-Framework for Action Against Family Violence 2001 Review (Russell Report) released.(can be seen in the following images)
-Domestic Violence Intervention Act (DVIA) tabled at Nova Scotia Legislature.
-Nova Scotia Department of Justice hold Risk Assessment conference for justice system stakeholders.
-Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women publishes “Making Changes: a book for women in abusive relationships 3rd ed./Changer pour le mieux: un livre pour les femmes victimes de violence, troisieme edition”, which is distributed to transition houses and women-serving organisations across the province.(can be seen in the following images)

-Nova Scotia Department of Justice establishes annual Domestic Violence Education for justice workers.

-Nova Scotia Department of Justice funds the Police Domestic Violence Case Coordinator Program.
-First meeting of the Department of Justice & Public Prosecution Services Committee, struck to monitor responses to the Russell Report (2003).
-Family Violence Redesign document released
-NSACSW’s 25th Anniversary. A forum on issues affecting women in Nova Scotia was held, and “The Journey Continues…1977-2002 25th Anniversary” pamphlet was produced, as well as a report(can be seen in the following images)

-Domestic Violence Intervention Act proclaimed.
-Dominant Aggressor Policy introduced.
-Police receive training on Risk Checklist.
-Establishment of the Deputy Minister’s Leadership Committee on Intimate Partner Violence.
-Correctional Services (Department of Justice) beings offering “Respectful Relationships” program designed for offenders with domestic violence issues.
-Ad Hoc Federal-Territorial-Provincial Working Group, co-chaired by Justice Canada and the Nova Scotia Department of Justice, reviews spousal abuse policies and legislation and issues their final report.
-Risk Assessment Form researched and developed for Policing and Victim Services.
-2003: Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women: Publishes “Making Changes: A Book for Women in Abusive Relationships”, revised third edition, distributed to transition houses and women-serving organizations across the province.

-High Risk Case Co-ordination Protocol, a risk assessment tool to be used for cases designated as high-risk for lethality, implemented by the Nova Scotia Government (can be seen in the following images)
-Provincial Victim Services adopt the Danger Assessment Tool designed by Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell.
-Policy and Planning, Department of Justice, establishes the Family Violence Tracking Project.

-Department of Justice issues the Police Pocket Guide, including the Risk Assessment for intimate partner violence.
-Department of Justice and Public Prosecution Services strike a risk assessment tool committee, selecting the Ontario Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) for evaluation.

2006:Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women publishes “Making Changes: a book for women in abusive relationships, 4th edition”, which is distributed to transition houses and women-serving organizations across the province.

Community-Government Highlight:

2003: Transition Houses of Nova Scotia (THANS) member organizations designated to act as “agents” under the Domestic Violence Intervention Act.

-Association des Acadiennes change name to Federation des Femmes Acadiennes de la Nouvelle-Ecosse (FFANE).
- Metro Interagency on Family Violence sponsors Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell in publishing “A Practitioner’s Guide to Intimate Partner Violence and Femicide”.

-Halifax YWCA opens the Women in Supportive Housing (WISH) Program.
-Citizens Against Spousal Abuse (CASA) merges with Juniper House; CASA dissolves (Digby).
-Antigonish Sexual Assault Response Team created by the Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre.
-Province and Community complete the Family Violence Redesign Process.

-Domestic Violence Intervention Act Evaluation Report issues.
-Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre (now the Antigonish Women's Resource Centre & Sexual Assault Services Association) launches the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program.
-Alice Housing initiates the Healing the Bruises Program for children witnessing violence.
-Dr. Jane McMillan begins the Addressing Mi’kmaw Family Violence Five Year Research Project.
-Sisters in Spirit Campaign launched with the Mi’kmaq Family Healing Centre as lead in Nova Scotia.
-Family Support & Healing Program merge into Mi’kmaw Healing Centres and Family Support staff.
-Metro Interagency Committee on Family Violence (MICFV) presents Men Standing Up Campaign.
-Supportive Housing for Young Moms (SHYM) opens in Dartmouth.

Date: (2013)

Reference:  Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women NSDV5

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