Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Actions to Address Violence Against Women in Nova ScotiaTimeline, 1974-2012 (Part 3 of 6, 1988-1993)

Community Highlights:

-Women’s Centres CONNECT established.
-Report “Silence in the Court: Battered Women talk About Their Experiences in the Legal System” published. Sponsored by Tearmann Society for Battered Women (as seen in following images)

-Third Place opens (Truro).
-Transition House Association of Nova Scotia (THANS) is incorporated.

December 6th, 1989: Montreal Massacre:
Gunman kills 14 women at Montreal's École Polytechnique. December 6th becomes the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women which continues to be recognized by government and community individually and through government/community partnerships.

1990: Autumn House opens (Amherst).

-Women’s Place Resource Center opens in Lawrencetown (now in Annapolis Royal).
-Bridges’s Men’s Intervention Program opens (Truro).

-Citizens Against Spousal Abuse founded. The organization provided services for Women experiencing gender-based violence (dissolved in 2006 & became Juniper-Digby Outreach Services, a program of the Juniper House Transition House Association) (Digby).
-Every Women’s Centre opens (Sydney).
-Leeside Transition House opens (Port Hawksbury).
-Waycobah Mi'kmaw Family Healing Centre founded (Whycocomagh).

Government Highlight:

-The Women's Directorate is created to advise and assist government departments in delivering programs and services affecting women, to improve conditions for women in the public service, and track and record government accomplishments impacting women.

1990: -Victim’s Rights and Services Act proclaimed.
-Revised edition of “Wife-Battering: A Criminal Offence. A guide for battered women in Nova Scotia” (1983). Precursor to “Making Changes: A Book for Women in Abusive Relationships”. (can be seen in the following images)

-Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women published the first edition of “Making Changes: A Book for Women in Abusive Relationships”, “Change pour le mieux: Un livre pour les femmes victims de mauvais traitments”, distributed to transition houses and women-serving organizations.(can be seen in the following images)
-Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women publishes “Submission to the Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 6, 1992"(can be seen in the following images)

Date: [2013]

Reference:  Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women NSDV3

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For more information, please contact the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women.


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