Council of Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Actions to Address Violence Against Women in Nova Scotia Timeline, 1974-2012 (Part 2 of 6, 1981-1987)

Community Highlights:

1981: Cape Breton Transition House opens in Sydney.

-Victims of Family Violence Association, the board of directors that oversees the operation of the Third Place Transition House (Truro), formed. The board began to lobby for the creation of a transition house and were able to open Third Place in 1989.
-Battered Women's Information Service (a telephone help line) established by Pictou County Women's Center.

-Alice Housing, second stage housing for abused women, opens in Dartmouth.
-Second Story Women’s Centre opens in Bridgewater (currently in Lunenburg).
-Antigonish Women’s Centre opens.
-Association des Acadiennes de la Novelle-Ecosse created.

-Tearmann House opens (New Glasgow).
-Naomi Society establishes second stage housing & outreach services for women and children (Antigonish).
-Juniper House opens (Yarmouth).
-Chrysalis House opens (Kentville).
-Lea Place Women’s Resource Centre opens (Sheet Harbour).

1987: Harbour House opens (Bridgewater).

Government Highlight:

1984: Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women publishes “Implementation Report”: an update on what was actions were taken regarding recommendations made in “Herself /Elle-Même: The Nova Scotia Task Force Report on the status of Women” (1976). (as seen in the next image)

Community-Government Collaborative Work:

1985: Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services of Nova Scotia established.

Date: (2013)

Reference:  Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women NSDV2

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For more information, please contact the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women.


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