Receipt from Coffin ? for R. Robert B. Ross
Date: 18 June 1879
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 12 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 74
Note: Items discusses the shipment of a package from Nova Scotia to Boston to be delivered to E. Edward I. Ross.
Receipt from H. W. Lydiard for Mr. Isaac Loveless
Date: 1 March 1883
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 10 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 75
Note: Item discusses the cost of several items with totaled $2.84
Receipt from H. W. Lydiard for Mr. Isaac Loveless
Date: 3 March 1883
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 11 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 76
Note: Item discusses the cost of several items plus interest which totaled $2.84
Paystub for C. Clsborne ? from C. S. Neary
Date: 1883
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 20 x 13 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 77
Note: Item discusses the days worked from 5 May 1883 to 2 June 1883 for a total wage of $10.00.
Receipt from H. W. Lydiard & Co for R. M. Holdin
Date: 1878 - 1880
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 22 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 78
Note: Item discusses the purchase of several items from H. W. Lydiard; including cloth, boots and cotton for a total of $30.34 (purchases were made between 1878 and 1880 but receipt is date 31 December 1883).
Cheque from Hilard Chessman to E. Edward I. Ross
Date: 11 August 1876
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 9 x 20 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 79
Note: Item discusses the payment of twenty dollars to Edward I. Ross.
Receipt from Baldwin, Farnum & Shapleigh for Edward I. Ross
Date: 8 August 1876
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 12 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 80
Note: Item discusses purchases made from Baldwin, Farnum & Shapleigh, "Commission Merchants & Wholesale Dealers in Provisions". Note: item is badly stained and purchases made are illegible.
Receipt from J. Stewart & Co. for E. Edward I. Ross
Date: 6 October 1876
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 12 x 22 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 81
Note: Item discusses purchases made which totaled 1.75.
Receipt from E. Murdock, Jr. for Ross
Date: 8 July 1876
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 12 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 82
Note: Item discusses the purchase of several items from E. Murdock, Jr., "Manufacturer of and Wholesale Dealer in Wooden Ware of Every Description", which had a total cost of $21.00.
Receipt from Hiland, Chessman & Co. for Mr. E. Edward I. Ross
Date: 16 September 1876
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 12 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 83
Note: Item discusses the purchase of one item from Hiland, Chessman & Co. "General Commission and Produce Dealers" for a total cost of $26.00.
Receipt from H.W. Lydiard & Co. for Mr. Owen McGarrey
Date: 1879 - 1880
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 11 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 84
Note: Item discusses the purchase of several items from 1879 to 1880 which totaled $3.47.
Receipt from R. Trsythe ?
Date: 1885
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 7 x 19 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 85
Note: Item discusses the cost of several items including letter and postage for a total cost of $12.75 (item is badly stained and torn).
Receipt from James Ward for Mr. Penhorn
Date: May 1888
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 6 x 20 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 86
Note: Item discusses the cost of several items including letter and postage.
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 5 x 18 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 87
Note: Item discusses of list of items and cost; including a rake and oxen. Note: item has no names or date.
Receipt from Eaton Co. for Miss Lizzie Ross
Date: 15 April 1896
Extent: 1 page of textual records 18 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 88
Note: Item discusses the mailing of items for Lizzie Ross from The Eaton Co. on 190 Young Street in Toronto. Receipt has printed on it "Dear Madam; We are in receipt of your favor of the 6th enclosing $6.00 for which accept our thanks. Goods have been forwarded by mail and we trust will reach you in good order. Your further favors will receive our prompt and careful attention. Yours truly, C. Beard".
Declaration between T. Barnaby about John Baliem
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 7 x 13 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 89
Note: Item discusses the sworn oath by T. Barnaby regarding John Balcon, who Barnaby claims is being dishonest about a debt of six pounds nine shillings and nine pence.
Letter from George Logan
Date: 28 January 1858
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 17 x 20 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 90
Note: Item discusses a request by George Logan to the letter recipient. Note: appears to be regarding a juror possibly part of Edward Ross's Justice of the Peace papers.
Letter from John Baliem to T. E. Barnaby
Date: March 1858
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 7 x 20 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 91
Note: Item discusses a promise from John Baliem to pay T.E. Barnaby before the first of May the sum of £5 18 6 plus interest.
Letter from Stephen H. Moore to J. Dearly ?
Date: 18 May 1858
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 19 x 16 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 92
Note: Item discusses a matter which has begun and a request from Moore to Dearly ? to see him this afternoon.
Letter from Charles A. Brooke to A. Laughlin
Date: 23 December 1858
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 10 x 19 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 93
Note: Item discusses a promise made by Charles A. Brooke to pay A. Laughlin in one month the sum of 5 pounds with interest. Letter is also signed by witness.
Letter from S. Sweeny ? to Mr. T. Barnaby and E. Edward Ross ESQ
Date: 19 September 1859
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 25 x 20 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 94
Note: Item discusses business (item is both stained and ripped making difficult to read).
Letter from William Porter to John R. Robinson
Date: 1859
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 7 x 19 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 95
Note: Item discusses a promise made by Porter to Robinson to pay a sum of £2 6 10 in four months time.
Date: 1860
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 5 x 21 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 96
Note: Item discusses the plaintiffs claim; the plaintiff being R. Wheaton.
Summons from Edward Ross to any constable of Kings County
Date: 20 April 1860
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 12 x 19 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 97
Note: Item discusses the summons to collect a sum of money from Asaph Baltzar and place him in Her Majesty's Gaol in Kentville as he has been found guilty at the suit of Henry Porter.
Summons from Edward Ross to any constable in King's County
Date: 24 September 1860
Extent: 1 page of textual records; 7 x 18 cm.
Reference: Ross Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 795 item 98
Note: Item discusses the summons of Mr. Michael Sanchfield to appear before Edward on 1 October 1860 to answer to W. H. Chipman and Son about the sum of three pounds.
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