Transportation & Communication: Canso Causeway: Plan of proposed causeway from mainland of Nova Scotia across Strait of Canso to Island of Cape Breton
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Canso Causeway: Showing Champion Piper in Nova Scotian Tartan
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Canso Causeway: Strait of Canso choked full with drifting ice
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Canso Causeway: View of the Construction from the Cape Breton Side
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: Four-in-hand Coach: The Canterbury Coach belonging to John R. Bothwell
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: Four-in-hand Coach: The Canterbury Coach belonging to John R. Bothwell copy 2
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: George Guild's Driving Horse, Musquodoboit
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: Gig: Old Chaise or Gig, hung on straps with two wheels, ptotographed at Pictou
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: Gig: Old Chaise or Gig, hung on straps with two wheels, ptotographed at Pictou
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: Gig: Old Chaise or Gig, hung on straps with two wheels, ptotographed at Pictou
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: Gig: Old Chaise or Gig, hung on straps with two wheels, ptotographed at Pictou, 3 views
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: Horse and Wagon: Clark R. Thomas drove these horses in the parade during carnival week
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: Kidston's Milk Cart and Horse at Pine Grove, Bower Road
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Carriages: Modern fashionable Carriages and Vehicles in Gereral Use
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
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