Transportation & Communication: Railways: Acadia Parlor Car, Interior, Dominion Atlantic Railway
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Albion and Samson: Official Presentation to Nova Scotia by the Baltimore and Ohio Railway at the car shed at the south end Halifax terminal
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Albion and Samson: Old Locomotives "Samson" (1839) and "Albion" (1854) which ran from Albion Mines to the Loading Ground, Pictou Co., N.S. copy 1
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Albion and Samson: Old Locomotives "Samson" (1839) and "Albion" (1854) which ran from Albion Mines to the Loading Ground, Pictou Co., N.S. copy 2
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Albion Mines Engine House: Photo of the First Engine House in America at Albion Mines 1836
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Bear River: Train at Bear River
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Boston and Albany: Photo of Harold Siteman beside train
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Bridges
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Built at Sydney Mines Shops of the General Mining Association in 1886
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Canadian Pacific Railway: Postcard of the C. P. R. Imperial Limited Trans-Continental Express, Montreal and Vancouver
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Chignecto Ship Railway: 11 Photos of the remains of the Railway, Amherst, N.S.
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Chignecto Ship Railway: 11 Photos of the remains of the Railway, Amherst, N.S.
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Chignecto Ship Railway: 11 Photos of the remains of the Railway, Amherst, N.S.
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Chignecto Ship Railway: 11 Photos of the remains of the Railway, Amherst, N.S.
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
Transportation & Communication: Railways: Chignecto Ship Railway: 11 Photos of the remains of the Railway, Amherst, N.S.
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photographic Collection
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