Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Commission Book, 1720-1741. 249

England: must be collected and accounted for annually . He must also prevent unauthorized settlements on Crown lands. Deputies to aid and assist him.

Annapolis, Dec. 30, 1740.
P. Mascarene

Certificate of Nicolas Vauquelin, Missionary Priest. [409

Certifies that Mr. Nicholas Vanquelin, priest and, Bachelor of TheoIogy "in tbe Communion of The Church of Rome 'Who has for the Space of Abovt Two Years Officiated By the Approbation of this Gover’t In Quality of Missionary Preist" at Annapolis, "and has Behaved in Regard to his Moralls And Innocent way of Liveing With a Gennerall Good Testimony As Well in Regard to his Good Deportment Towards this Goverment," has applied for leave of absence till next Spring. Has promised not to settle elsewhere in the province, nor to exercise his function except when called upon to aid the sick; intends to "pass this Winter in Solitude and Retirement." All H.M. subjects requested not to offer him any molestation during the winter, at the expiration of which he has full liberty to proceed to any part of His Most Christian Majesty's dominions.

Annapolis, Nov. 4, 1741.
P. Mascarene

Proclamation to Deputies.

Preamble notes "Some Obstinate People" in this province have not complied with the sentences and judgements of the Government. Deputies ordered in such cases “to use their Utmost Diligence and Endeavours in having the Said Sentences and Orders put in Execution. Notary is to attend, and such of the inhabitants as they shall want for their assistance; who are “to be Aiding and Assisting to the Deputys” on pain of being reckoned disobedient.

Annapolis, Dec. 8, 1741.
P. Mascarene

“God Save The King”

[End of MS. 20]


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