Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 41

     The Honourable L.t Governor Acquainted the Board that two' more Indians were Come to Submitt themselves to the Government and to Signe the Conditions aforementioned
Two Indians sign the Articles of peace


     The Board as in the Minute of Saturday the 3.d Ins.t Considering the Impossibility of Communicating That [59] That Clause of his Excellency's Proclamation promising Protection to such Indians as is therein Specified Sooner to the Indians they being so Dispersed so as y.t they might Enjoy the Benefit of Said Clause

     Agreed that they Should be Admitted & they being called in, and the Conditions ,and Tarmes Required by the Government being Read & Interpreted they Signed the Same.

     The Indians who had Signed complaining That Notwithstanding their Submission, they Could not gett any provisions from the french Inhabitants without An Order, which the Board having taken into Consideration

     Agreed That the Honourable L.t Governor Should Send an Order to the Deputees to be puiblished Amongst the Inhabitants for Receiving & Entertaining those Indians who had Signed as friends to his Majestys Government

     At a Council held at the Honourable L.t Governor John Doucett's house in his Majestys Garrison of Annapolis Royall on fryday the 23 of November 1722.
2 more of the Indians sign the articles

Present The Honourable Lievt Governor President
Major Paul Mascarene
John Adams Esq
Hibbert Newton Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq
Peter Boudre Esq


     The Honourable L.t Governor Acquainted the [60] The Board that two, more of the River Indians were Come upon the aforesaid tarmes to Submitt themselves to the Government

     Agreed they should be Admitted; and having Signed, the Governor gave them an Attested Coppy of the Conditions they had Signed in order to Communicate the Same to the Rest.


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