Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 155


of the Board [209] Whether the prayer of Said petition Should not be granted in Consideration of the Necessitys of the Garrison & Inhabitants which cannot be Supplied by the Grain which is produced in this River asper Representation of the Dep.tys on file, as likewise of his Wanting a fitt oppo of Sending the Circular Letters as orderd in Council to the Indians of Checabnacady &c who in all likelyhood may be Incited at this Juncture to Commit Some diaorders by the Disaffected French Inhabitants of those parts:

     Taken into Consideration the Necessitys of the Garrison &c

     After Some debate Agreed & Resolv'd, that Mr Bissel be permitted to go up the Bay for this time provided he Gives in Bond as formerly, with one Sufficient Surety, to the Governor to bring What Wheat or pease he Shall take on Board (except So much as he may have Occasion to dispose of among the Indians of this province) to this port & putt the Same on Shore if Required & That His Honr will please to give him in Charge the aforesd Circular Letters to deliver to the Indians as directed & that he be desir'd to Speak to them in a Civil & Friendly manner

     A Memorial of Nathl Donell Master of the Sloop Hopewell & another of Nathl Donnel Master of the Sloop Endeavour both riding at Anchor in this Harbour Praying his Honrs permission to go up the Bay to take in a load of Coal to carry to Boston, Read
Nathaniell Donell petitions to have liberty to go up the Bay Granted


     Then His Hon.r desir'd the Opinion of the Board Whether the prayer of S.d Memorials might not [210] not be also granted in Consideration of the Benefit that may accrue to this and others of His Majty's adjacent Provinces thereby & that the two Memorialists had no goods or Merchandise aboard
     Agreed & Resolved

     That both the Masters afores'd be permitted to go up the Bay with their Sloops to take in a load of Coal according to the prayer of the abovementioned Memorials


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