Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Registres du gouvernement britannique à Annapolis Royal, 1713-1749

Minutes of H. M. Council, 1720-1742. 113

     The Said Brosard being come to Ans.r in his Own Defence, Replyed that he was very Innocent And not the father having Never had any Carnall Deallings with her

     The Midwife being put to her Oath Declared That the Said Mary Daughter to the Said Mary D' Aiger Did Declare when She was in her most Violent Pains That the said Joseph Brsard was the Real father of her Said Child

     The Governor with the Advice of the Board Ordered That the Said Brosard Should Pay to the Mother of Said Child for its Mentainance three Shillings and Ninepence every Week Until that the Child Arrive to the Age of Eight Years Old, And that he Shall Immediately Give good Security for his performing the Same, or go to Prison Untill that he Shall find Such Security


     Abram Bourg one of the Deputees and William Bourgeway Inhabitant Engaged themselves each in An hundred pounds Security for the Said Joseph Brosards punctuall Complyance And Due Observation Said Orders to be by them punctually Paid Upon the first Complaint [151] Complaint of his the Said Joseph Brosards not Obying or his Refusing to pay the Above Ordered Weekly Allowance of three shillings And Ninepence for the Childs Mentainance as AforeSaid

     At a Council held at the Honourable L.t Governour John Doucett's house on Thursday the 12 th of May 1726.

Present The Honourable Lievt Governor President
John Adams Esq
William Skene Esq
William Shirreff Esq

     The Honourable Presid t laid before the Board a Letter which was Sent him from M.r Will.m Winniett Dateed at Mines the of Ap.r 1726 (as upon file) which being Read, he Desired the Advice and Oppinion of the Board
Letter from Mr. Winniett relating to the 3 ffrench prisoners Supposed to be Spies

     The Said Letter being in Relation to the three french prisoners, and their former Allegations being thereby Confirmed, the Oppinion of the Board is that it would be


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