Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

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Letter, Michael Francklin, Windsor, to David Easson

Concerning difficulties over payment for the lumber ("you may depend upon it that you will be carried to Prison if the order is not paid"); he cannot pay Easson unless Mr. Williams provides a certificate for the boards. The Acadians have asked for Easson to travel to "St. Johns" [presumably Ile Saint-Jean, i.e. Prince Edward Island]. Francklin offers to increase Easson's pay to £5 a month "if you can't fall into some Partnership with the Accadians more Profitable."

Date: 31 January 1781

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/123

Transcript available

Letter, Michael Francklin, Windsor, to David Easson

Instructing Easson in distribution of provisions "for the use of the Indians, not exceeding three hundred rations," between 1 December 1778 and 15 April 1779. Francklin was acting under orders from Brigadier General McLean: "I am to request the utmost frugality be observed in the Disposal of these Provisions…The Aged, the Infirm, the Widow, the Orphan are particular objects and an attention paid to them will naturally Strike the generality of Indians, with Reverance and affection for the British government…." A register was to be kept listing those receiving rations.

Date: 4 December 1778

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/112

Transcript available

Letter, Michael Francklin, Windsor, to David Easson

Long and detailed letter instructing Easson to proceed to Tatamagouche, and once there, have Mark Delesdernier send for "Louis Bask [Basque], a Micmack Indian and such other Indians that complain of Ill Treatment by the Master of the Vessell Froze Up at Margomishe [Merigomish]." Easson then to take them to Pictou, and with assistance from "Mr. Patterson," investigate the status of the vessel (thought to be a prize taken "by the rebels") and the alleged mistreatment of the Mi'kmaq. Francklin concluded: "I have had advice that John Allen has twice this winter sent dispaches from Machias by Micmack couriers to Mirimichy and the sea coast of the Gulph. Enquire of the Indians at Tatamagushe if they know anythink of it and Endeavour to get the Originals or Copys of the papers if possible."

Date: 25 March 1779

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/113

Transcript available

Letter, Peter Bonnette to Alexander Easson

Request for payment of account due the late Charles Bailey.

Date: 6 March 1843

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 B/188.3

Transcript available

Letter, Robert Fletcher, Halifax to John Easson

Further instructions regarding shipping of furs. On reverse is list of various quantities of grains, likely written by Easson and produced at the grist mill.

Date: 2 July 1776

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/99

Transcript available

Letter, Thomas Gurly, Halifax, to Alexander Easson

Writing on behalf of John Carter -- "The Doctor's hand is so very sore he cannot write" -- and announcing the forthcoming delivery of "a fine dog" by Mr. Dormand's schooner.

Date: 13 December 1826

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/227

Transcript available

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

Regarding Easson's accounts and Ordnance business, and informing Easson that he [Lane] is now in partnership with Benjamin Booth.

Date: 26 May 1756

Reference: Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/14

Transcript available

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

A lengthy letter regarding Easson's charge against Joshua Mauger for failing to take out £400 insurance on the sloop Wren and its cargo, as Easson had requested.

Date: 15 May 1754

Reference: Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/10

Transcript available

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

Further concerning the charge against Mauger.

Date: 10 July 1754

Reference: Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/11

Transcript available

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

Sending a small box of seeds directed to Samuel Austin in Boston, and enclosing a letter for Easson.

Date: 20 March 1755

Reference: Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/12

Transcript available

Letter, Thomas Lane, London

Regarding company's change in name; and about acting for Mrs. Cowley's interests in London and Minorca. Letter is unsigned and incomplete.

Date: 26 May 1756

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/49

Transcript available

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

Discussing Easson's account with William Bogdani, his pay, and business with Box & Austin.

Date: 29 August 1749

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/4

Transcript available

Letter, Thomas Lane, London, to John Easson

Replying to a letter from Easson dated 17 November, regarding trade and Easson's account with him; sent via Samuel Austin, Boston.

Date: 10 March 1753

Reference: Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/17

Transcript available

Letter, W. Bogdani, London, to John Easson

Concerning leave of absence for Easson, which he had requested be deferred, since he [Easson] "did not think it prudent to leave Annapolis at present there having been such an Aleration in Publick affairs since [his] leave was greanted."

Date: 21 August 1756

Reference: Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/15

Transcript available

Letter, W. Bogdani, London, to Mrs. Cowley

Concerning her late husband's accounts and her situation as a widow: "I am very sorry to say it, but I find by all accounts that he died in Debt greatly…nor is there any precendent for a pension to an Engineer's Widow."

Date: 4 May 1755

Reference: Easson-Hoyt Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 2166 H/13

Transcript available

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