Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 751 to 800 of 2797 from your search:
Item Reference Digital
Sunny, Claire Payzant, Helen Creighton, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Wiggins — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 310
Helen Creighton in McLaughlin Buick — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 311
Sunny, Helen Creighton, Mr. Lawson, Claire Payzant, Syd Creighton — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 312
1st Lake, Dartmouth. Sunny, Helen Creighton, Mr. Gillingham, Marion a driver with the American Red Cross, Florence — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 313
1st Lake, Dartmouth. Mr. H, Sunny, Helen Creighton, Florence, Mr. Gillingham — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 314
1st Lake, Dartmouth. Sunny — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 315
American Red Cross, Halifax. Lorraine, Marjorie, Marion — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 316
American Red Cross, Halifax. Marjorie, Lorraine, Marion — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 317
American Red Cross, Halifax. Marion — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 318
Toronto. Helen Creighton — September 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 319
Toronto. Helen Creighton — September 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 320
Toronto. Helen Creighton — September 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 321
Dartmouth Lakes — August 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 322
Dartmouth Lakes — August 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 323
Dartmouth Lakes — August 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 324
Dartmouth Lakes — August 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 325
Dartmouth Lakes — August 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 326
Dartmouth Lakes — August 1918 Creighton Photo Album 11 number: 327
Madge Graham, Haxel Lloy, Joan McLarren, Ruth Salter, Mollie Wilson, Kate Weldon, Lil Weldon Dorothy Harris, Claire Payzant, Camping, Dartmouth — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 1
Ruth Morrison, Joan McLarren, Mollie Wilson, Joan Van Buskirk, Mother Alice Creighton, Dorothy Harris, Dorothy Sterns, Kate Weldon, Lil Weldon, Claire Payzant, Helen Creighton, Camping, Dartmouth — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 2
Joan Van Buskirk, Mollie Wilson, Joan McLarren, Dorothy Harris, Dorothy Sterns, Camping, Dartmouth — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 3
Hazel Lloy, Ruth Salter, Madge Graham, Marjorie Hattie, Claire Payzant, Kate Weldon, Dorothy Harris, Joan McLarren, Mollie Wilson, Lil Weldon, Camping, Dartmouth — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 4
Lil Weldon, Joan Van Buskirk, Dorothy Harris, Ruth Morrison, Claire Payzant, Kate Weldon, Dorothy Sterns, Helen Creighton, Molly Wilson, Joan McLarren, Mother Alice Creighton Camping, Dartmouth — 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 5
Marjorie Hattie, First Lake, Dartmouth — ca. 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 6
Kate, Molly, Mother, Joan, Ruth, Claire, Joan, Dorothy, Helen, Dorothy, Lil, First Lake, Dartmouth — ca. 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 7
Claire Payzant, First Lake, Dartmouth — ca. 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 8
Joan Van Buskirk, Dorothy Harris, Molly Wilson, Joan McLarren, First Lake, Dartmouth — ca. 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 9
Porto Bello at locks, Edith McLarren, Terry Creighton, Joan McLarren, Florence Harris, Dorothy, Paul Tingley — ca. 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 10
Starting for third lake, Dartmouth, Marjorie Hattie, Fred Congdon, Joan McLarren, Hughie Van Buskirk, Lil Weldon, Harold Wilson — ca. 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 11
Bunny - Arthur Weldon, Lawnie Van Buskirk — ca. 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 12
Dorothy Harris, Helen Creighton — ca. 1918 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 13
Paul Tingley — ca. 1919 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 14
Edith Whitman — ca. 1919 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 15
Chap - George Bosson — ca. 1919 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 16
William Stairs - Bill — ca. 1919 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 17
Helen Creighton — ca. 1919 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 18
Chauffers and Boy Scouts, Halifax, Red Cross Caravan — 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 19
Dr. Ritchie, Miss Keating, Miss Graham, Dr. Doull, Dartmouth, Red Cross Caravan — 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 20
Dean Llwyd pronouncing benediction on departure of caravans, Halifax — 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 21
Executive of Red Cross and Personnel of Caravans, City Hall Halifax — 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 22
Dartmouth, My Ambulance — 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 23
Amherst Red Cross and Personnel of Caravans, Amherst — 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 24
Pageant given in honor of return of caravans, Citadel Hill, Halifax — 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 25
Opening of Colored Orphans Home, Preston — ca. 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 26
Opening of Colored Orphans Home, Preston — ca. 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 27
Opening of Colored Orphans Home, Preston — ca. 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 28
Opening of Colored Orphans Home, Preston — ca. 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 29
Our very first patient, who came to us at Bass River for an examination, Red Cross Caravan — 12 July - 29 August 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 30
Our very first patient, who came to us at Bass River for an examination, Red Cross Caravan — 12 July - 29 August 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 31
Miss Graham and Rosemond our first patient operated upon, Red Cross Caravan — 12 July - 29 August 1920 Creighton Photo Album 12 number: 32

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