Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 2401 to 2450 of 2797 from your search:
Item Reference Digital
Old gate between house and church, Hampton, New Brunswick — 1958 Creighton Photo number: 975
Open gate design at Creightonville cemetery, New Brunswick — 1958 Creighton Photo number: 976
Creighton lot at Creightonville cemetery, New Brunswick (no relation) — 1958 Creighton Photo number: 977
Statue of Saint Barbara — 1958 Creighton Photo number: 978
Roy and Susan Portchmouth with sons Richard, Eric and Keith — 1958 Creighton Photo number: 979
Susan Porchmouth with Richard, Eric and Keith — 1958 Creighton Photo number: 980
The return to St. Peter's, Rome, of the bodies of the sainted Pius X and John Bosco — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 981
1st day at Bishop Field College. Richard not very happy. Mummy, Keith and Eric delighted Portchmouths — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 982
This is how they arrived home. Keith smart? as was Eric. Caps askew, tie undone, coat buttoned the wrong way, durty knees, socks down and shoe laces untied Portchmouths — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 983
Susan Portchmouth in the garden of the Louvre in Paris — April 1959 Creighton Photo number: 984
Laval University Luc Lacourciere and Roger Matton in the Archives — December 1959 Creighton Photo number: 985
Guides meet, Sherbrooke — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 986
Maj. Calum McLeod — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 987
Massed bands, Highland Games, Antigonish — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 988
Winner in dance at Highland Games, Antigonish — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 989
Scott Stuart, St. Andrews, New Brunswick — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 990
Scott Stuart, St. Andrews, New Brunswick — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 991
Melodeon in home of Miss Bertha Carson, St. Andrews, New Brunswick — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 992
Melodeon in home of Miss Bertha Carson, St. Andrews, New Brunswick — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 992
unidentified — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 993
Guides meet, Sherbrooke — 1959 Creighton Photo number: 994
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Dornan, Elgin, New Brunswick — ca. 1959 Creighton Photo number: 995
Singers — ca. 1959 Creighton Photo number: 996
Singers — ca. 1959 Creighton Photo number: 997
Singers — ca. 1959 Creighton Photo number: 998
Finvola Redden — ca. 1959 Creighton Photo number: 999
Gillisdale, Cape Breton — 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1000
Piper and son, Gillisdale, Cape Breton — 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1001
Gillisdale, Cape Breton — 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1002
Helen Redden age 1 1/2 yrs — 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1003
Contestants in 1960 Miramichi Folk Song Festival Miss Louise Manny extreme right — 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1004
Miramichi Folk Song Festival — August 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1005
Miramichi Folk Song Festival. Harold Whitney, Wilmot MacDonald, Stanley MacDonald, Ken Horner — August 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1006
Miramichi Folk Song Festival. Mr. John Holland, aged 89, singing Seated: John Gilks, Harold Whitney, Stanley MacDonald, James Brown, Ken Horner, master of ceremonies — August 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1007
Miramichi Folk Song Festival. Lt. Gov. O'Brien, who opened festival and Mrs. O'Brien in 2nd row. Audience on 1st night. Judges Alan Mills and Helen Creighton in foreground — August 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1008
Miramichi Folk Song Festival. Oldest singer Mr. John Holland, aged 89, shaking hands with Lt. Gov. Leonard O'Brien — August 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1009
Miramichi Folk Song Festival. Wilmot MacDonald. Seated, John Holland, John Gilks — August 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1010
Helen Creighton Baillorgeon, Montreal Professional folk singer. — 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1011
Nativity scene photographed in the Church of the Transfiguration, Jerusalem — December 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1012
Evergreen, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia — ca. 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1013
Helen Creighton Lady of the Legends. CBC documentary — ca. 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1014
Helen Creighton Lady of the Legends. CBC documentary — ca. 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1015
Helen Creighton Lady of the Legends CBC taken at Evergreen — ca. 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1016
The Folk lore Institute wishes you a Happy New Year. Romania — ca. 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1017
Aerial shot of Devil's Island — ca. 1960 Creighton Photo number: 1018
Jack Tar Weir, Deep Cove — 1961 Creighton Photo number: 1019
White Head — 1961 Creighton Photo number: 1020
Cart for carrying horse or cow, Grand Manan — 1961 Creighton Photo number: 1021
Joe Green, Seal Cove — 1961 Creighton Photo number: 1022
White Head — 1961 Creighton Photo number: 1023

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