Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 2051 to 2100 of 2797 from your search:
Item Reference Digital
Helen Creighton — 1946 Creighton Photo number: 615
Sircom family Cecil, Simmie, Joan, Richard — 1946 Creighton Photo number: 616
Orvie? Moorhouse, Sandy Cove — 1947 Creighton Photo number: 617
Evergreen, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia — 12 July 1947 Creighton Photo number: 618
To Auntie Helen with love from Stephen Caldwell — December 1947 Creighton Photo number: 619
Sheep shearing on Cape Breton Island — 1948 Creighton Photo number: 621
Mr. Norman McGrath and Mr. Horace Johnston, retired fishermen at Victoria Beach. Told folk tales and tall stories. — 1948 Creighton Photo number: 622
Helen Creighton and Randy Wood — 1948 Creighton Photo number: 623
Dulse gatherers, Victoria Beach — 1948 Creighton Photo number: 624
Tante Louise, Pubnico, Nova Scotia to show Acadian dress — 1948 Creighton Photo number: 625
Tante Louise, Pubnico, Nova Scotia, to show Acadian dress — 1948 Creighton Photo number: 626
Mi'kmaq at Nyanza, Cape Breton — 1948 Creighton Photo number: 627
Mi'kmaw at the Shubenacadie Reserve — 1948 Creighton Photo number: 628
Mr. William Riley, Cherry Brook — 1948 Creighton Photo number: 629
Upper Lakeville — ca. 1948 Creighton Photo number: 630
Tom and Edith Raddall at their cottage — ca. 1948 Creighton Photo number: 631
Tom and Edith Raddall at their cottage — ca. 1948 Creighton Photo number: 632
Clarks Harbor — 1949 Creighton Photo number: 634
Mrs. Lillian Walsh, Glace Bay and scarf beaded by Mary Seeton? and Mary Carmichael — 1949 Creighton Photo number: 636
Evergreen, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia — 1949 Creighton Photo number: 637
Mrs. Edward Gallagher, Chebucto Head — ca. 1949 Creighton Photo number: 638
Mrs. Edward Gallagher, Chebucto Head — ca. 1949 Creighton Photo number: 639
Canadian Authors Convention, Halifax — July 1949 Creighton Photo number: 640
Sam Allan, Nell Gillis, Geo. Sircom, Simmie, Ethel Sircom, Marriot's Cove — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 641
Halifax Harbor from Evergreen, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 642
Lawson Innes, Indian Harbour — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 643
Lewis Boutilier, Tantallon — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 644
Sam Allan, Nell Gillis, Geo. Sircom, Simmie, Helen Creighton, Ethel Sircom, Marriot's Cove — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 645
Bill Hunt and Helen Creighton. His wife went to school with Lil Creighton — July 1950 Creighton Photo number: 646
Jes. Dauphinee guide, Indian Point — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 647
Helen Creighton recording Arthur White, Noel Shore — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 648
Helen Creighton recording Gallagher family, Edward and Kit with sons Donald and Mac, Chebucto Head — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 649
Ketch Harbor Store, Donald Gallagher with guitar Helen Creighton recording — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 650
Stan Wood, peggy, Randy, Barbara — December 1950 Creighton Photo number: 651
Christmas card from Morrell and Evelyn Richardson — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 652
Mr. Louis Boutilier, Tantallon — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 653
Mr. Neil O'Brien, Pictou — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 654
Neil O'Brien, Pictou — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 655
Well at Tibbets house, Meadowsvale, Pictou County — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 656
Fiddler, Pictou County (not recorded) — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 657
Queen Mary' from Evergreen, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 658
Queen Mary' as seen from Evergreen, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 659
Evergreen, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 660
Glen Haven, Mrs. Crowe — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 661
Glen Haven, Mrs. Crowe — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 662
Mr. White, Noel Shore Helen Creighton, recording — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 663
Helen Creighton recording Mr. White, Noel Shore — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 663
Helen Creighton recording informant Noel Shore — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 663
Taking down folk tale from Norman McGrath, Victoria Beach — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo number: 664
Helen Creighton recording Edmund Henneberry, Devil's Island — 1950 Creighton Photo number: 668

Nova Scotia Archives —

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