Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 1451 to 1500 of 2797 from your search:
Item Reference Digital
Bucharest — 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 32
Bucharest — 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 33
Trivoli, Copenhagen — 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 34
Gruntuigs Church, Copenhagen — 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 35
Gruntuigs Church, Copenhagen — 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 36
Exeter Cathedral, Nave looking east — 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 37
Shinners bridge house, Dartington — 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 38
Tilt Yard and Hall, Dartington — 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 39
Great Hall, Dartington — 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 40
Ruins of Glastonbury Cathedral — October 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 41
Doreen Senior at Glastonbury — October 1959 Creighton Photo Album 15 number: 42
Bust portrait of unidentified man — ca. 1860 Creighton Photo number: 16
Thomas Crofton Creighton father of Charles E. Creighton Helen Creighton's grandfather — 1862 Creighton Photo number: 17
Friend of Alice and Charles Creighton — ca. 1875 Creighton Photo number: 18
A Happy Christmas Alice, from Charlie Christmas 1880 — December 1880 Creighton Photo number: 19
The Creighton brothers: Tom, Walter, Charles and Grassie (seated) — ca. 1880 Creighton Photo number: 20
Charles E. Creighton — ca. 1880 Creighton Photo number: 21
Friend of Charles E. Creighton — ca. 1880 Creighton Photo number: 22
Charles E. Creighton — ca. 1882 Creighton Photo number: 23
Alice Terry (Mrs. Charles E. Creighton) — ca. 1882 Creighton Photo number: 24
Charles Edward and Alice Julia (Terry) Creighton — 1883 Creighton Photo number: 25
Grandmother Terry Helen Creighton's maternal grandmother — ca. 1885 Creighton Photo number: 26
Aunt Mary Baker — ca. 1885 Creighton Photo number: 27
Paul Henry Creighton in Grandma Terry's garden, Kentville — 1886 Creighton Photo number: 28
Lilian Creighton — ca. 1887 Creighton Photo number: 29
Charles E. Creighton Chairman executive Committee, Halifax County, S.S. Assocentic? and family Paul, Alice, Mac, Sydney and Lilian — 1892 Creighton Photo number: 30
Uncle Alex, Lillian Creighton — ca. 1898 Creighton Photo number: 31
Grandma Terry, Helen Creighton's maternal grandmother — ca. 1898 Creighton Photo number: 32
Grandma Terry, Helen Creighton's maternal grandmother — ca. 1898 Creighton Photo number: 33
Terry homestead, Kentville — ca. 1898 Creighton Photo number: 34
Terry house, Kentville — ca. 1898 Creighton Photo number: 35
Kenneth and Aunt Nan, Helen Creighton's mother's sister — ca. 1898 Creighton Photo number: 36
Mother and Aunt Martha Terry née Best — ca. 1898 Creighton Photo number: 37
Father pitching quoits Charles Creighton, St. George's Quoit Club, Dartmouth — ca. 1900 Creighton Photo number: 38
Alice - Part of the drawing room with love from Aunt Mary Baker, Yarmouth — ca. 1900 Creighton Photo number: 39
Harriot Douglass Morton, Kansas City, Missouri Hotel Washington — ca. 1900 Creighton Photo number: 40
Martha Terry née Best — ca. 1900 Creighton Photo number: 41
Terry and Helen Creighton, Helen aged 1 year, 4 months — January 1901 Creighton Photo number: 42
Charles E. Creighton aged 55 years — 25 December 1902 Creighton Photo number: 43
Helen Creighton, age 3 (Rebecca from Nellie) — April 1903 Creighton Photo number: 44
Helen Creighton, age 3 (For Alice with Nellie's love) — April 1903 Creighton Photo number: 45
Camp Retreat, Dartmouth Lakes Extreme left Col. Vidito, extreme right, mother Alice Creighton — ca. 1904 Creighton Photo number: 46
Mac Creighton probably birch bark canoe, Dartmouth Lakes — ca. 1904 Creighton Photo number: 47
Camp Retreat, Dartmouth Lakes — ca. 1904 Creighton Photo number: 48
Terry Creighton Long Wharf?, Dartmouth Lakes — ca. 1904 Creighton Photo number: 49
Creighton family, camping, Dartmouth Lakes — ca. 1904 Creighton Photo number: 50
Camp Retreat, Dartmouth Lakes Fred Parker, mac, Terry Creighton, Alice Wilson, Lil Creighton Flo Davis, Helen, Alice Creighton Miss Bell, Syd Creighton — ca. 1904 Creighton Photo number: 51
Camp Retreat, Dartmouth Lakes, Creighton family and friends — ca. 1904 Creighton Photo number: 52
We all wish you a very Happy Christmas. Sydney, Lilian, Mac, Paul, Mother Alice, Helen, Father Charles, Terry Creighton Portland St., Dartmouth — 1906 Creighton Photo number: 53
Helen Creighton — ca. 1906 Creighton Photo number: 54

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