Nova Scotia Archives

Helen Creighton: Folklife

Results 1351 to 1400 of 2797 from your search:
Item Reference Digital
Herring from seines — 1947 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 165
Seines at Victoria beach — 1947 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 166
Ann Marie Lorrince and Carol grandchild of Casey's — 1947 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 167
Seining the nets for herring — 1947 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 168
Gathering dulse, Victoria Beach — 1947 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 169
Old church, Port Medway — 1947 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 170
Recording Mrs. Gallager at her lighthouse home, Chebucto Head — ca. 1949 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 171
Drying dulse, Victoria Beach — 1947 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 172
Mrs. Misener, Port Medway at old church with collection box — 1947 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 173
Recording Mrs. Gallagher, Chebucto Head — ca. 1949 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 174
Typical house, Port Medway — ca. 1947 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 175
Stayed here at the Gables, Clarke's Harbor Helen Creighton's Austen in foreground — 1948 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 176
Louis Pictou cutting wood for baskets, Lower Granville — 1948 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 177
Louis and Evangeline Pictou making baskets, Lower Granville — 1948 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 178
Louis Pictou preparing wood for baskets — 1948 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 179
Louis and Evangeline Pictou making baskets, Lower Granville — 1948 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 180
Evangeline Pictou beside outdoor fireplace, Lower Granville — 1948 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 181
Louis Pictou, also preparing wood for baskets, Lower Granville — 1948 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 182
Louis and Evangeline Pictou, Lower Granville — 1948 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 183
Gordon Connolly, Glen Haven — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 184
Mr. Oliver Hubley, Seabright, hearing own song back said 'You know, I'm proud of myself' — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 185
John Obe Smith, Glen Haven folk singer — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 186
Gordon Connolly, Glen Haven 'Good Pirate Songs Here' — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 187
Lewis Boutilier, Tantallon, sang 'Lord Bateman' — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 188
John Obe Smith, Glen Haven, folk singer — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 189
Entrance to Peggy's Cove — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 190
Peggy's Cove — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 191
Marie Richardson, Lawson Innes, Miriam Wetmore Mrs. Don Wetmore, Indian Harbor — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 192
Peggy's Cove — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 193
John Obe Smith, Glen Haven, singing for Prestotape recorder — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 194
Believed to be connected with Rudolph Hesse, lived back in the Forties, Lunenburg County — ca. 1949 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 195
Lawson Innes, Indian Harbor, singer and story teller — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 196
Louis Boutilier, Tantallon — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 197
Doug Fraser and family, James Dauphinee, guide and Helen Creighton looking for Lukie's Island treasure — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 198
Lukie's Island, hole from which treasure taken — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 199
On my Helen Creighton's way to Lukie's Island with Doug Fraser and family and James Dauphinee — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 200
John Smith, Glen Haven recording on Preston tape recorder — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 201
James Dauphinee, guide on treasure expedition to Lukie's Island — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 202
The Sea Gull, Indian Harbor, Nova Scotia Recorded the Peggy's Cove song here. — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 203
Mr. William Gilkie, Sambro sings with chewing tobacco in mouth — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 204
Group at Victoria Beach Martha Banning Thomas, Ann-Marike Larren, Linda, Emma and Petter and Marion McWhinney — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 205
William Gilkie, Sambro always has child on knee when singing — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 206
Edward Gallagher, Mrs. and Mr. William Gilkie, Gilkie child, Sambro — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 207
Everett children at Victoria Beach — ca. 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 208
Fundy House, Victoria Beach Martha Banning Thomas — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 209
Martha Banning Thomas with illustration from 'Storm ALong Gert' unpublished story of Victoria Beach — 1950 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 210
Sawing wood, Musquodobit Harbor — 1951 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 211
Edith and Frank Fawke, Toronto with John Roast, Lower East Chezzetcook — 1951 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 212
Mrs. W. J. Johns, Musquodobit Harbor singing 'Brave Nelson' — 1951 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 213
Three generations sing 'A Southerly Wind' Mrs. Coates, Mrs. Johns and Margaret Coates, Musquodobit Harbor — 1951 Creighton Photo Album 14 number: 214

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