Nova Scotia Archives

Tom Connors: 'The Old Sport'

Results 76 to 90 of 787 from your search:

Intermediate Champions 31 Years Ago [Crescents Hockey Team]

Date: 1899

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 081

J. Fitzpatrick; E. Butcher; T. Mullane; R. Purvis; Fred Bishop; A. Carr; J. Carmichael; H. Mahar; H. Musgrave


Date: 1901

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 082

E.F. Keefe; E. Schulze; W.J. Pickering (Captain); A. Harrington; F. McManas; E. Dwyer; F. Stephens; G.V. Monaghan; S. Bauld; C.R. Grant; F.A. McCurdy

"Willows Hockey Team."

Date: ca. 1902

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 083

Crescents 1902

Date: 1902

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 084

B. O'Brien; R. Barclay; H.L. Ruggles; N.C. Palmer; R. Hunter; J.J. Carmichael; E.J. Kelly; A.E. Nelson; D.K. O'Brien; J. Morrison; E.T. Weaver; H.H. Young; W.G. Foley; J.S. Campbell; H. Musgrave

"Wanderers '08"

Date: 1903

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 085

M.E. Keefe, Jr.; C.V. Monaghan; R.H. Corbett; W.J. Pickering; W.B. MacDonald Jr.; E.J. Dwyer; C.H. Gorham; W. Adams; W.A. Schwartz; H.H. Bligh

Halifax Academy Hockey Team

Date: 1906-1907

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 086

F. Heffler, R.W.; Prin. Kennedy; W. Murray, L.W.; L. Mylius, Rover; G. Hiseler, Pt.; F. Little, (Captain) C.; A. Mulcahy, Spare; R. O'Hearn, Centre; N. McKay, Goal

"St. F.X. [Saint Francis Xavier University] Hockey Team"

Date: 1907

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 087

T. Sullivan (Coach); C. Young; D.J. Willet (Captain); R. Campbell; J. Burke (Manager); G. Boyle; A. McDonald; R.W.R. McEachen; A. Sutherland; R. Mulcahy

"Hockey Teams C.A.A.A."

Date: 1907-1908

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 088

R. Isnor; F.C. Congdon; A. Sterling; G. Tapper; R. Richardson; G. Laing; A. Grant; R. Brown; E.L. Craig; R. Hunter; F.L. Brennan; R. Eckersley; D. Carroll; N. Eckersley; V. Jensen; J. Learment; C. Delaney; P.C. Neville; F. Bishop; J. Congdon; W.R. Morto; T. Little; C. Forbes; H. MacDonald; J. Grant; C.E. Johnston; W. Keddy; E. Weaver; J. Woods; G. Heisler; A. Robinson

"C.A.A.A. Intermediate Champions of Nova Scotia"

Date: 1909

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 089

R. Brown; A.S. Sterling; A.S. Phillips; J. Grant; F. Stewart; J. McGrath; H. Keddy; R. Richardson; W.R. Morton; A. Robinson; F.L. Brennan; C. Johnston; P.C. Neville; F. Stewart

Halifax Academy Hockey Team

Date: 1909

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 090

F. Heffler, Pt.; O. Silliker, Spare; H. Murray, R.W.; R. Hart, L.W.; N. MacKay, Goal; G. Little, C. Pt.; W. Doyle, Rover; J. MacDonald, Centre

Farquhar Brothers Hockey Team

Date: 1909

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 091

J.D. Flemming, Spare; H.D. Holland, Centre; J. Grant, R.W.; W.W. Hoyt, Manager; J.A. Hennessy, Goal; C. McDonald, Spare; J.P. Meagher, Pt.; P. Galloway, Spare; E.A. Nickerson, Rover; James Farquhar; H. Shrum, (Captain) Rover; F.H. Nickerson, L.W.

Victoria Maritime Hockey Team

Date: 1912

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 092

L. Bulonquille, L.W.; T. Smith Centre (Captain); F. Doherty, R.W.; F. Porty, Pt.; R. Norman, R.W.; R. Murphy, Pt.; W. Hague, Goal; Big "Ted", Mascot

Atlantas Hockey Team

Date: 1912-1913

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 093

C. Snow, Spare; L. Richards, Centre.; R.Chisholm, R.W.; F. Porty, Pt.; R. Norman, R.W.; R. Murphy, Pt.; W. Hague, Goal; Big "Ted", Mascot

Dalhousie Hockey Team

Date: 1913-1914

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 094

J.N. Lyons, Manager.; L.C. Strickland; R.G. MacAloney; D.L. Dwyer; G.H. Campbell; W. Scriven; R.E.G. Roome; R.G. Leslie; W.L. Fraser; W.R. Fraser, Captain

"University Scenes Athletics Hockey [Saint Francis Xavier University]"

Date: 1920

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 095

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