Nova Scotia Archives

Tom Connors: 'The Old Sport'

Results 106 to 120 of 787 from your search:

"Bloomfield High School"

Date: 1936-1936

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 112

Dr. F.R. Little, Coach; N. Auld; R. Mullane; G. Mumford; Ralph Driscoll, Captain; R. Cox; F. Gardner; Roy Driscoll; H.R. Fraser, Manager; S. Short; N. Mont; J. Mont; R. Harper; E. Soper; H. Little

"R.C.M.P. Police Champions Garrison League in 1935-36"

Date: 1935-1936

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 113

Constable Ennis, Coach; Sk/Lt. Coffin; E/Man McKeand; O/D Maloney; O/D Newman; Insp. Nicholson, Capt.; Prov. Supt. Hibbard; Const. Power; O/D Fleming; Const. Apedaile; Insp. Blakeney; D.R.A. Ferguson; A/B McLean; A/Commr. Ryan; A/B Lund; O/D Rafuse

"Waverley Gold Diggers Hockey Team"

Date: 1937-1938

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 114

Lester Stuart, L.W.; Wallace Sawler, R. Wing; Alan Blois, Centre; Louis Meagher, Manager, Coach; Collin J. Davis, President W.A.A.C.; Arthur Rand, Goal; Robert Stailing, Left Defense; Charles Stuart, Right Defense; Percy Sawler, Right Wing; Clyde Meagher, Mascot; Maurice Oakes, Captain, Centre; Ray Sawler

"Oxford School"

Date: 1900s

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 115

J. Coughlen, Trainer; W. Hollett, Wing; P. Hartnett, Defense; B. Lewin, Goal; G. Delaney, Wing, Captain; E. Keefe, Wing; V. Ferguson, Defense; W.F. Gray, Treasurer; G. Holett, Defense; J.J. Kelly, Secretary; A. Walker, Centre; F. Jolemore, Wing; G. Charlton, Defense; A.E. Bradshaw, Vice-President; Rev. P.F. Martin, President

"Wanderers Hockey Team."

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 116

John C. Lund; A.W.R. Wilby, L.W.; J.C. MacKintosh; E.F. Keefe, Centre; G.E. Franklyn, Jr. Centre; Captain W.J. Pickering (Cover Pt.); J.A. McCarthy, Goal; W.H. Clarke, Pt.; A.D. Johnstone

"Halifax County Academy"

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 117

R. Blois, R.W.; R. Carson, Defense, Captain; J. Woods, Centre; G. Clark, Goal; K. Mitchell, Defense; W. Hartling, R.W.; C. McDonald; R.W.; J. Sturmey, Defense; J. Outhit, L.W.; J. Murphy, L.W.; D. Kennedy, Centre; L.B. Hannon, Coach; J. Morrow, L.W.

"Halifax County Academy"

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 118

R. Blois, R.W.; G. Hutton, R.W.; L. Horne, Defense; J. Woods, Centre, Captain; J. Hartlen, R.W.; G. Fetterley, L.W.; L.B. Hannon, Coach; D. Dyer, Defense; V. King (C); C. Eustace, L.W.; G. Clark, Goal; J. Outhit, L.W.

"Wanderers' Hockey"

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 119


Date: 1940s

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 120

Halifax Wolverines

Date: 1935

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 122

"St. Mary's Maritime Junior Hockey Champions"

Date: ca. 1940s

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 123

"St. Mary's Hockey Team"

Date: ca. 1946

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 124

St. Mary's Hockey Team

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 125

King's College Hockey Team

Date: 1930

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 126

Chebucto School Team

Date: 1930s

Reference: Tom Connors Nova Scotia Archives 1987-218 no. 127

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